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Often the play is an effort to seek excitement and thus to forget cares, or it is a seeking of excitement for its own sake. Thus men gamble, not only for the gain but because such excitement as is aroused offers relief from business worries or home difficulties.

I shall be less afraid of you when I just feel you and can't see you." "Why should you be afraid of me?... Dear, dear Fay, you must remember how little I really know. How can I understand?" Fay leant against her sister and held her close. "Sometimes I feel as if I couldn't understand it all myself. But you mustn't worry about Peter's flat. We'll all go home the minute I can be moved.

J. Bryan Grimes in an address made before the State Historical Society at Raleigh in 1909, gives a long list of eminent Carolinians who have called Elmwood their home. Among them were Colonel Thomas Swann and Colonel William Swann, both in colonial days Speakers of the Assembly; three members of the family by the name of Samuel Swann, and John Swann, members of Congress.

His illness and absence seemed to have smoothed out some of the difficulties at home, and after he returned things went happier in every way. On July 14, 1875, he passed his final law examinations, and was admitted to the Scottish bar.

There was everything, it would have seemed, to excite such poetical power as she possessed, to the utmost, for even the prose of more than one of her contemporaries gives hints of the feeling that stirred within them as they faced the strange conditions of the new home.

Then came to us the solitary god, having put on the splendid semblance of a noble man; and he began friendly speech, such as well-doers use when they bid new-comers to the feast. But the plea of the sweet hope of home suffered us not to stay.

"I sent word that we were coming," said Casey, as they sighted the ranch. "That was in the interests of the ladies mostly." "Of course," Wade agreed. "Women always like people to find them all togged up, as if they never did a day's work in their lives. I catch it from Kitty if I bring any one home with me without due notice. If women only knew how much better they look in ordinary clothes!"

It would need a long, long story to tell how far from home and into what strange places the yellow kernels of California wheat sometimes travel, or to picture the odd people who depend upon us for food. Long ago the Mission Fathers taught the Indians to plant and to take care of vines and fruit-trees.

in that modest dwelling we were just looking at, not glorious, yet not unlovely in the youth of its drab and mahogany, full of great and little boys' playthings from top to bottom, in all these summer or winter nests he was always at home and always welcome.

I was forgetting; but I have not come to that yet. We had a splendid passage home. Most of the passengers were in good spirits at the thought of seeing England again, and even the children were not so troublesome as I have known them. I soon made friends with some of the nicest people, for I generally make friends easily.