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God be praised that left my hearing when he took my poor eyesight! Come this way, this way. And oh, tread lightly. Peggy, hinny, gang saddle the gentleman's horse, and lead him cannily ahint the thorny shaw, and bide him there."

'But now, hinny, that ye hae brought us the brandy, and the mug wi' the het water, and the sugar, and a' right, ye may steek the door, ye see, for we wad hae some o' our ain cracks. The damsel accordingly retired and shut the door of the apartment, to which she added the precaution of drawing a large bolt on the outside.

"Troth, hinny," answered the Nereid, "if they let naebody but papists come there, it'll no be muckle o' a show in this country, for the auld harlot, as honest Mr. Here she exalted her voice, and exclaimed twice or thrice, "Gudemither! gudemither!" but, lost in the apathy of age and deafness, the aged sibyl she addressed continued plying her spindle without understanding the appeal made to her.

I fearna for his life I ken how strong-hearted he is I ken it," she said, laying her hand on her bosom, "by my ain heart at this minute." "Weel, hinny, if ye think it's for the best, better he stay here and rest him, than gang back to St. Leonard's." "Muckle better muckle better God bless you! God bless you! At no rate let him gang till ye hear frae me," said Jeanie.

"Na, na," said Jenny, with a laugh of affected heartiness, "never mind me, lass a' the warld kens my bark's waur than my bite if ye had had an appointment wi' the Laird, ye might hae tauld me I am nae uncivil person gang your ways in by, hinny," and she opened the door of the house with a master-key.

The hinny of Jeanette echoed wildly from the cliffs, and was answered by the bark and howl of the prairie-wolf. These sounds, together with the more ominous snort of the bear, kept sleep from the eyes of our adventurers. They dared not go to sleep, unless by perching themselves in the trees; as they knew not the moment the bear might come up to the summit.

One sure thing is, that all wise men will soon contrive to lay aside inclination when performance grows toilsome. I have hobbled over many a rough heugh in my day no wonder if I must sing at last "Thus says the auld man to the aik tree, Sair failed, hinny, since I kenn'd thee."

He would step round to the hospital; he had questions to ask there, and it would be a walk after luncheon. "Do," said Mrs. Callender, "but remember dinner at six. And hark ye, hinny, this house is to be your hame until you light on a better one, so just sleep saft in it and wake merrily.

About thirty years ago, the author himself was the first person who ever drove a little open carriage into these wilds: the excellent roads by which they are now traversed being then in some progress. Rebecca comes wi' you, hinny, and stays a month or twa while ye're stranger like." While Mrs.

They heard him take his Bible from where it lay, and knew that he was back under the fir-tree, facing from the house toward moor and hill and mountain. "Eh-h," groaned Thomas, "the elder is a mighty witness!" The family at White Farm ate in silence. Elspeth slipped from her place. "Where are ye gaeing, hinny?" asked Jenny. "Ye hae eaten naething." "I've finished," said Elspeth.