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For a tradesman, therefore, to commit his business thus into the hand of a false, a negligent, and a thievish servant, is like a man that travels a journey, and takes a highwayman into the coach with him: such a man is sure to be robbed, and to be fully and effectually plundered, because he discovers where he hides his treasure.

He could not help thinking of the kindly tolerance of the highwayman, the miserable death of the actual thief, which had proved his own salvation, and above all the generous, high-spirited girl who had aided his escape. While on his way to San Francisco, and yet in the first glow of his success, he had written her a few lines from Marysville, inclosed in a letter to Mr. Tarbox.

She forced a smile at the ignorance and timidity of my comrade; but I could perceive, not without great concern, that this account was not at all satisfactory to her. We proceed on our Journey are overtaken by a Highwayman who fires at Strap is prevented from shooting me by a Company of Horsemen, who ride in pursuit of him Strap is put to Bed at an Inn Adventures at that Inn

A tariff thus enforced was not likely to be a mild one; and although the States considered that they had got a "good penny-worth" by the job, it was no easy thing to get the better, in a bargain, of the vigilant Martin, who was as thrifty a speculator as he was a desperate fighter. A more accomplished highwayman, artistically and enthusiastically devoted to his pursuit, never lived.

Upon this, said the highwayman, I must confess to you, Sir, that I and my three comrades do all see very well: we feigned ourselves to be blind, that we might more freely enter people's houses, and into women's apartments, where we abuse their frailty. I must further, confess to you, that by this trick we have gained together ten thousand drams.

Hayes had taken four pocket pistols with him for his security, viz., one under each arm, and two in his pockets. Mr. Longmore answered, 'twould be dangerous for him to travel in that manner; that any person seeing him so armed with pistols, would cause him to be apprehended on suspicion of being a highwayman.

She was in turn an Oriental princess behind a silken veil, the bride who followed her bridegroom to the wars of Palestine disguised as a page, the gallant lady who ransomed her diamond necklace by dancing a coranto with a highwayman on a moonlit heath, and "Buskirk's girl" who joined the Sons and Daughters of Temperance "just to see what was into it;" and in each impersonation she was so thoroughly the thing impersonated that it was a matter of surprise to us when she emerged from each our own familiar Story Girl again.

The Life of STEPHEN GARDINER, a Highwayman and Housebreaker Stephen Gardiner was the son of parents of middling circumstances, living at the time of his birth in Moorfields. This, perhaps, was the immediate cause of his ruin, since he learnt there, while a boy, to idle away his time, and to look on nothing as so great a pleasure as gaming and cudgel playing.

He was still afraid, and his voice trembled. "Surely his mask was " "It was brown," said Barbara. "I thought the man who wore the brown mask was dead." "I thought so too," he muttered as he leaned forward to the window and watched the highwayman disappear into the shadows of the night.

When we got to that piece of woods a mile back, he asked me for all the money I had." "A highwayman, and so near Pentonville!" ejaculated Simon Crawford. "What was he like?" "A regular tramp." "Yet you say you have the money. How did you manage to keep it from him?" Ben detailed the stratagem of which he made use. "You did well," said the storekeeper approvingly.