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He turned for an instant in the direction of the Barlow house, and bowed low. "Now, you thieving old highbinder," he said, "take the change;" and, diving into a grove of trees he took a roundabout way through the fields to avoid the gathering crows which, finally aroused, now flocked to the scene of the disaster. Breathless, he arrived on the nick of time.

Imagine this! But I rallied, and replied that I had none a statement received with incredulity. Her next question was, "Have you ever been a highbinder?" Ministers of grace! and this from a people who profess to know more than any nation on earth!

"Ringers" particularly in the magistrates' courts are by no means unknown. Sometimes they appear even in the higher courts. "Mock Duck," the celebrated Highbinder of Chinatown, who was set free after two lengthy trials for murder, was charged not long ago with a second assassination.

He in a long white apron passed and re-passed with his things from his kitchen, doubly efficient and civil under stress of anxiety for his young master. In the pauses of his serving he watched from the background, with a face that presently caught the notice of one of them. "Smile, you almond-eyed highbinder," said the buccaroo. And the Chinaman smiled his best.

And then I took a notion to ride over this way, and sample your grub for a day or so, and abuse you a little to your face, you old highbinder!" "Sure. I've been kinda looking for you, too. But I wish you hadn't quite so big an assortment of battle-signs, Ford. Kate's got ideals and prejudices and she don't know all your little personal traits. She's heard a lot about you, of course.

I explained that a highbinder ranked with a professional murderer in this country, whereupon she again laughed, and, turning to General , in a loud voice said, "General, I have been calling the a highbinder," at which the company laughed at my expense. In China, as you know, a guest or a host would have killed himself rather than commit so gross a solecism; but this is America. "Why alive?"

Remember, Mawruss, you got to tell him that as a partner I am a crank and a regular highbinder. Also, Mawruss, you got to tell him that if I wasn't held by a copartnership agreement I would do you for your shirt, y'understand?" Morris nodded. "I know you should, Abe," he said. "What!" Abe roared. "I mean I know I should," Morris explained; "I know I should tell this here Marks what you say."

With a cry, Barrett came at him and seized his lean throat. "You damned highbinder!" he gasped. "You saddle-nosed monkey! You'll get me what I want or I'll give you away. Don't I know why you're up here in these woods, with your pretty clothes and your English talk? A-ha! You bet I do! You're hiding, and you're wanted," he dropped his voice to a whisper, "the tongs would pay head-money for you.

In such a serious undertaking every possibility of failure must be carefully guarded against. Each possible device of the wily Highbinder slave-owner must he conjectured and frustrated. So the three planned this campaign: "When is Detective coming?" asked Chan Yuen, as a step sounded on the quiet street below. "At six he promised to be here with one of his trustiest men.