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But I did not yet know the details of Tom's sudden departure as I sat in rush hour traffic in Concord, Massachusetts, feeling dejected and lonely. I missed Fran. I missed Kate and Pat, each of whom I had gone out with. I missed Ed, a quick witted UCSD recruit with a passion for mysticism and Jimi Hendrix music.

Trench was quite right; you're fully authorized. Did you call me out of bed just to check on that, young man?" "No, I " Then he hung up. Hendrix had dropped to his knees and fired before Trench could knock the gun from his hands. There was no answering fire. The Legals simply came boiling down the street, equipped with long pikes with lead-weighted ends.

Gladby and Dr. Kurtz depend a great deal on Dr. Hendrix," he said. "Yes, he certainly is a wonderful man. I have heard a great deal about him. I have no doubt but what he will cure your father. But about the fire? How did it start?" "I don't know, but now that I have a few hours to spare before the doctor can get here, I'm going to make an examination." "Bless my penwiper, but I'll help you."

Hendrix was impressed by the calm demeanor of the young inventor. "Very well," said the surgeon with a shrug of his shoulders, "I guess I'm game, Tom Swift." The doctor took the seat Tom pointed out to him, with his bag of instruments on his knees. He put on the face protector, and had, at the suggestion of our hero, donned a heavy coat. "For it's cold in the upper regions," said Tom.

But there was no sign now of Jenny. I glanced up the corridor but saw only Wilcox and Phil Riggs, with Walt Harris trailing them, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Muller moved directly to Pietro. "Six left in my crew now, Dr. Pietro. First Hendrix, now Sam. Can you still say that the attack is on your crew when mine keep being killed? This time, sir, I demand . . ."

By jinx, when I heard the Municipals were coming, I was scared they'd get him for sure. Crane wants to watch this guy shot in person!" He grabbed Randolph by the arm. "You're overlooking something, Hendrix," Gordon cut in. He had moved back toward the wall, to face the group. "If you ever look at my record, you'll find I'm an ex-newspaperman myself. This is a rescue. Tie them up, Izzy."

Get my car up the street call Arliss on the phone under the dash. Or Wayne. I'll bring Hendrix." Trench's system made some sense, and this business of marching as to war made none at all. Gordon grabbed the phone from under the dash. A sleepy voice answered to say that Commissioner Arliss and Mayor Wayne were sleeping. They'd had a hard night, and... "Damn it, there's a rebellion going on!"

Wait until I get my bag and I'll be with you!" Tom's heart gave a bound of hope. Just in Time While Dr. Hendrix was in his office, getting ready to make the thrilling trip through the air with Tom, the young inventor spent a few minutes going over his monoplane.

Never mind about me. I'm going to get well, and I'll recover all the more quickly if you win that race. Now promise me you'll go in it and and win!" The invalid's strength was fast leaving him. "I I ," began Tom. "Promise!" insisted the aged inventor, trying to rise. Dr. Hendrix made a hasty move toward the bed. "Promise!" whispered the surgeon to Tom.

He knew it was dangerous without gloves; he suspected chromazone, even though none's supposed to be on board. And I warned him . . ." "Not against this, you didn't," I told her. I dropped to my knees and took another pair of gloves. Hendrix's head rolled under my grasp. The skull was smashed over the left eye, as if someone had taken a sideswipe at Hendrix with a hammer. No fall had produced that.