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"Where's Captain Trench?" The heavy features didn't change as Jurgens chuckled. "Commissioner Trench, Gordon. It seems Arliss decided to get rid of Mayor Wayne, but didn't count on Wayne's spies being better than his. So Trench got promoted and I got his job for loyal service in helping the Force recruit. My boys always wanted to be cops, you know."

Drop a letter in the mailbox, and the next morning it would be turned over to Commissioner Arliss' office. Report or be kicked off to a planet that Security felt enough worse than Mars to use as punishment! Report and find Mars a worse place than Mercury could ever be.

"Now in ruins." Howat Penny accurately gathered that the other inferred the collapse not only of the Furnace. He secured the single glass in his eye and looked deliberately around. Isabella watched him with a tense interest. Mrs. Polder gave a short, perturbed giggle. "Just like George Arliss," she told her son.

Apparently, Chief Justice Arliss had broken with the Wayne administration, and the mimeographed form was a legal ruling that Wayne was no longer Mayor, since the charter had been voided. He was charged with inciting a riot, and a warrant had been issued for his arrest. Hendrix appeared finally. "All right, men," he shouted. "You all see it. We're going to arrest Wayne.

Get my car up the street call Arliss on the phone under the dash. Or Wayne. I'll bring Hendrix." Trench's system made some sense, and this business of marching as to war made none at all. Gordon grabbed the phone from under the dash. A sleepy voice answered to say that Commissioner Arliss and Mayor Wayne were sleeping. They'd had a hard night, and... "Damn it, there's a rebellion going on!"

But she'll come around to where I'm proud of her, yet.... If you two want to carry in the snow, collect, and turn it over to Commissioner Arliss for me I can't pass the dome till he gets it I'll give you both rooms for six months free. Except for the lights and water, of course." Izzy nodded, and Gordon shrugged.

Lastly, particular care had been taken to secure a literally correct report of the evidence given by the various witnesses. The next page interested me more nearly still. It enumerated the actors in the Judicial Drama the men who held in their hands my husband's honor and my husband's life. MR. JAMES ARLISS, W. S., Agent for the Crown. The Indictment against the prisoner then followed.

Wayne, Arliss, and the rest of the administration had counted on self-interest holding most of the cops loyal to them. They'd been wrong. Legal forces already controlled about half the city. "So?" Gordon asked. He could have told Trench that the fund was good-enough reason for most police deserting. Trench put his coffee down and yelled for more. It was obvious he'd spent the night without sleep.

To give faster than people grow is to run the grave risk of arresting development. A benefaction must bestow a benefit. Give to most people and they will quit work and get a job with George Arliss, for the devil still finds mischief for idle hands to do.

Arliss as the old servant, was good; the acting was not sufficiently monotonous, with that fine monotony which is part of the secret of Maeterlinck. These busy actors occupied themselves in making points, instead of submitting passively to the passing through them of profound emotions, and the betrayal of these emotions in a few, reticent, and almost unwilling words.