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"Keep your mouth shut when your elders speak, you impudent young heathen you." "All right, old Hallelujah, I'm done," answered Charley, soothingly. At some opinion of dirty Knowles, delivered with an air of supernatural cunning, a ripple of laughter ran along, rose like a wave, burst with a startling roar.

On his return to Antioch, he punished the apostate high-priest, Menelaus, as the author of all these misfortunes, by smothering him in a tower filled with ashes. "Woe to the idol shepherd who had left his flock!" Another half heathen, named Alcimus, was appointed in his place, and when the Jews would not receive him, brought down their enemies upon them again.

'My soul longeth and fainteth for God, for the living God, to see His glory and beauty as I have seen them in the sanctuary. When I first left England, my hope of the conversion of the heathen was very strong; but, among so many obstacles, it would entirely die away unless upheld by God.

Why should I not have given it him?" said Landless. "Because it is written, 'Cursed are the heathen who inhabit the land." Landless smiled. "So you would not help an Indian in extremity. What if it had been a negro?" "Cursed are the negroes! 'Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by the sword." "A Quaker?" "Cursed are the Quakers! 'Silly doves that have no heart." Landless laughed.

We've got to clean up before lunch or Letty-Lou will think we're some sort of heathen." With that she turned and led the way upstairs, totally recovered and herself again in spite of a red nose and suspiciously moist eyelashes. "Val, did that cat go upstairs?" Ricky stood at the foot of the hall staircase frowning crossly. "If he did, you'll just have to go up and get him.

The captive remained, long after the events which had placed him in the power of the Heathcotes were beginning to be forgotten. A desire to quicken the seeds of spiritual regeneration, which, however dormant they might be, old Mark Heathcote believed to exist in the whole family of man, and consequently in the young heathen as well as in others, had become a sort of ruling passion in the Puritan.

And Ishmael, who seemed to think that a confession of faith was imperatively demanded of him, looked anxious as if eager, yet ashamed, to speak. Presently he conquered his shyness, and said: "But you are mistaken, professor. I am not a heathen. I wish to be a Christian. And I do give the glory of all that is good and great to the Lord, first of all.

CONFUCIUS. So can I. Which of us do you think he will support when I explain to him that your object in revealing his age is to get him killed? Are we public men and members of the Government? or are we damned blackguards? BARNABAS. Hold your tongue, you insolent heathen. Burge: I spoke to you. BURGE-LUBIN. Well, you know, my dear Barnabas, Confucius is a very long-headed chap. I see his point.

"From whence, madam, I cannot guess; but I am so near to his person that I know he has ever since worn, suspended around his neck and next to his heart, that lock of hair which sustains a small golden jewel shaped like a heart. He speaks to it when alone he parts not from it when he sleeps no heathen ever worshipped an idol with such devotion."

"What do you think," he said, "our Lord Christ would say if he now arose and came into the Holy City?" "He would rejoice that His churches, His three hundred and sixty-five churches, are built on the foundations of the heathen temples.