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Oh, thats nonsense, Nunk. BURGE. Do you mean to say that you have nothing more practical to offer than the mere wish to live longer? Why, if people could live by merely wishing to, we should all be living for ever already! Everybody would like to live for ever. Why don't they? CONRAD. Pshaw! Everybody would like to have a million of money. Why havnt they?

When he attempted to pass, the Countess called his name, and greeted him with smiles. "We want to know how your father is," she said. "We have had such alarming accounts of him. I hope he is better." "They havnt told me much about him," said Marmaduke. "There was deuced little the matter with the governor when I saw him last." "Wicked prodigal! What shall we do to reform him, Mr. Douglas?

THE PARLOR MAID. Yes, sir. I havnt heard from him nor exchanged a word with him for years. I resigned the chairmanship of the Liberal Association and shook the dust of party politics from my feet before he was Prime Minister in the Coalition. Of course, he dropped me like a hot potato.

The people want me back. I dont want to go back. I want to cultivate my garden. I am not interested in politics: I am interested in roses. I havnt a scrap of ambition. I went into politics because my wife shoved me into them, bless her! But I want to serve my country. What else am I for? I want to save my country from the Tories. They dont represent the people.

At the end of half the time we shall hardly notice whether it is a woman or a man we are speaking to. BURGE. Havnt you heard? Havnt you taken in the revelation that has been vouchsafed to us? The line I am going to take is Back to Methuselah. You don't suppose, do you, that our friends here are in earnest, or that our very pleasant conversation has had anything to do with practical politics!

"I had hoped, sir, that your common sense and knowledge of the world would have rendered an explanation superfluous." "They havnt," said Conolly. Mr. Lind rose to boiling point again. "Oh, Mr. Conolly, I assure you I have no objection to explain myself: none whatever. I merely wished to spare you as far as possible.

Is there any question of yours that I have left unanswered? CONRAD. We havnt asked you any, you know. BURGE. May I take that as a mark of confidence? CONRAD. If I were a laborer in your constituency, I should ask you a biological question? LUBIN. No you wouldnt, my dear Doctor. Laborers never ask questions. BURGE. Ask it now. I have never flinched from being heckled. Out with it.

Until today your works have been full of beauty; and I have been the first to point that out. ARJILLAX. Thank you for nothing. People have eyes, havnt they, to see what is as plain as the sun in the heavens without your pointing it out? ECRASIA. You were very glad to have it pointed out. You did not call me a conceited humbug then. You stifled me with caresses.

BURGE-LUBIN. Nobody, dear lad, nobody. Dont fly out at me. It is evident that you have not read the American's book. BARNABAS. Dont tell me that you have, or that you have read any book except a novel for the last twenty years; for I wont believe you. BURGE-LUBIN. Quite right, dear old fellow: I havnt read it. But I have read what The Times Literary Supplement says about it.

I met her in the museum after our confab on Wednesday, and told her what you recommended: that I must have the child, and that she must go. She said all right, and shook hands. I havnt seen her since." "I congratulate you." "I dont feel comfortable about her." "Absurd, man! What better could you have done?" "Thats just what I say. It was her own fault; I did all in my power.