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All of which activity annoyed Portlaw, who missed his manager at table and at cards missed his nimble humour, his impudence, his casual malice missed even the paternal toleration which this younger man bestowed upon him a sort of half-tolerant, half-contemptuous supervision.

Judge Peyton's face, albeit a trifle perplexed, turned towards Clarence with a kindly, half-tolerant look of welcome. The boy's heart instantly melted with forgiveness. "Well, my boy, let's hear YOUR story. What happened?" Clarence cast a hurried glance around, and saw Jim, with face averted, riding gloomily behind.

Writhing under the sting of futility and disappointment, even the rotten poison served by Johnny the Greek appealed to him. His old neurosis, almost forgotten in the half-tolerant, half-amused interest in Mademoiselle d'Albret's adventure which had occupied his activities during the past weeks, revived with redoubled force.

When they exchanged good-night, Peak fancied that the pressure of Buckland's hand was less fervent than at their meeting, but his manner no longer seemed to indicate distrust. Probably the agnostic's mood was one of half-tolerant disdain. Godwin turned the key in his bedroom door, and strayed aimlessly about.

Isn't there a certain risk in the thing?" "A risk?" Winifred nodded. "Yes," she said, "rather a serious one. Four years is a long time, and the man may have changed. In a new country where life is so different, it must be a thing they're rather apt to do." A faint, half-compassionate, half-tolerant smile crept into Agatha's eyes.

She figured him sternly weighing instances of her levity in this masculine court of inquiry into feminine morality and gruffly dismissing both her and her family with some half-sarcastic, half-tolerant phrase which sealed her doom, as far as he was concerned, for ever. Having met him so lately, the sense of his character was strong in her.

Porter looked at him with a half-amused, half-tolerant expression on his square face, and said, speaking in a very dry convincing voice: "I guess the check will close out all deals between us; it will pay you to keep out of my way, I think." As they moved toward the Secretary's office, Porter was accosted by his trainer. "The Stewards want to speak to you, sir," said Dixon. "All right.

Isn't there a certain risk in the thing?" "A risk?" Winifred nodded. "Yes," she said, "rather a serious one. Four years is a long time, and the man may have changed. In a new country where everything's different it must be a thing they're rather apt to do." A faint, half-compassionate, half-tolerant smile crept into Agatha's eyes.

I noticed that she chose to accept Miss Caroline's earliest letters about their good fortune with a sort of half-tolerant attention, as an elder listens to the wonder-tales of an imaginative child, or as I had long listened to Clem's own dreamy-eyed recital of the profits already his from "brillions" of chickens not yet come even to the egg-stage of their careers.

But it is just because Amiel is profoundly sensitive to the problems of evil and responsibility, and M. Renan dismisses them with this half-tolerant, half-skeptical smile, that M. Renan's "Souvenirs" inform and entertain us, while the "Journal Intime" makes a deep impression on that moral sense which is at the root of individual and national life.