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Yes, only twenty-five cents! Pray how much did you expect to get, Miss?" retorted the clothier, in a half-sneering, half-offended voice. "I don't know. But twenty-five cents is very little for a hard day's work." "Is it, indeed? I know enough who are thankful even for that. Enough who are at it early and late, and do not even earn as much.

'There thou're out; he's in for letting yon men out; thou may call it rioting if thou's a mind to set folks again' him, but it's too bad to cast such hard words at him as yon felony, she repeated, in a half-offended tone. 'It's what the lawyers call it, said Philip, sadly; 'it's no word o' mine.

'There thou're out; he's in for letting yon men out; thou may call it rioting if thou's a mind to set folks again' him, but it's too bad to cast such hard words at him as yon felony, she repeated, in a half-offended tone. 'It's what the lawyers call it, said Philip, sadly; 'it's no word o' mine.

Although Miss Rachel ruffled and annoyed him at every second word "rubbed him up the wrong way," as her maid Stimson would have said the doctor had a real regard for her in his heart, and respected her as a woman of sterling principle, and one whose worst faults were all upon the surface. "There is no need to talk about hotels," and Miss Harley drew herself up, half-offended in her turn.

"Oh, hush, hush!" Muriel cried, unable to catch the parrot's precious words through the emulous echo of the Frenchman's music. "Whereof one Thomas Wells, gent., under God, was master go on, Polly." "Perruque blonde Et collet noir," the Frenchman repeated, with a half-offended voice, finishing his stanza.

"Do you always guess people's private affairs?" he said after a moment. "Very often. I am rather observant, and have a habit of putting things together. I tell you that so that you may be careful when you don't want me to know a thing." "I don't mind your knowing anything so long as it goes no further. I suppose this has not " She lifted her head with a gesture of half-offended surprise.

Next comes the question with Hist what say you gal? Will you desart your duty, too, and go back to the Mingos and take a Huron husband, and all not for the love of the man you're to marry, but for the love of your own scalp?" "Why you talk so to Hist!" demanded the girl half-offended. "You t'ink a red-skin girl made like captain's lady, to laugh and joke with any officer that come."

"It's rather a difficult matter to pick and choose girls who are in the same classes," said the doctor, "and Polly sees that." "Don't I know it?" exclaimed Jasper, in an astonished tone. "Dear me, Dr. Fisher, I've watched Polly for years now. And she's always done so." He stopped whirling the articles on the office table, and bestowed a half-offended look on the little physician.

And then she looked up, and met a young man's half-offended look, and a shy, proud eye, in which the nascent friendship of five minutes before seemed to be sinking out of sight. 'Oh yes, I will, she cried. 'Of course I will. It just sounded a bit strange to me at first. I've been so used to be alone always. But he demurred now wished stiffly to take back his proposal.

"Indeed, it is too bad, Mr. Haley!" Clara responded, with a half-offended air, putting her untasted glass of wine back upon the waiter, "to deny me so trifling a request. I must say, that your refusal is very ungallant. Whoever heard of a gentleman declining to take wine with a lady?" "There certainly is an exception to the rule to-night, Clara," the young man said.