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"No room that the young girl can have to herself," was the cold, half-offended reply. "Excuse me for saying so, but I think it is quite good enough for so obstinate and rebellious a child as I have understood she is." "I am quite of your opinion, Mrs. Manton," said a familiar voice behind them; and turning, they perceived that they had been joined by Mr.

She went on dusting with a half-offended air, as though Mother had no right to interrupt her with a superintending glance like this. 'You won't forget the sweeping too, Jinny? said Mother, retiring again majestically with that gliding motion her abundant proportions achieved so gracefully.

"Don't fret about it," she added, quickly taking another look into May's face; "that will do no good, and it is not very much after all. I cannot stay another minute now, May," she went on to tell the bewildered girl in the most matter-of-fact tone, so that May was in danger of feeling half-offended at finding her tribulation taken so cavalierly "just like Annie!"

And, that I might be under no difficulty, if I would permit him, he would first make the necessary inquiries, and then attend me in person, to pay my respects to the right reverend dignitary. This relaxation in his manner flattered and pleased me. He now perceived me to be somebody; my half-offended vanity was appeased, and I accepted his offer with thanks.

Seeing him thus wholly immersed in the acquisition of money, and not knowing his motive, his faithful little friend Joe Tipps one day amazed, and half-offended him, by reminding him that he had a soul to be cared for as well as a body. The arrow was tenderly shot, and with a trembling hand, but Joe prayed that it might be sent home, and it was. From that date Edwin could not rest.

"Come along, soldier," said Bob; "I'll eat one bit, if you will?" Tom Long looked too much disgusted to speak, but in a half-offended manner he picked up another quarter of the durian, and examined it attentively. "Phew!" ejaculated Bob, looking round. "What a horrible smell. There must be something floating down the river."

Perhaps your prudence was for the best; but, oh Gertrude, it has made me heartbroken." "Willie!" exclaimed Gertrude, with excitement, "do you know how strangely you are speaking?" "Strangely?" responded Willie, in a half-offended tone. "Is it so strange that I should love you?

And, ceremoniously giving his hand, he proceeded to lead his niece up the stairs, while Ebbo, labouring under ignorance of city forms and uncertainty of what befitted his dignity, presented his hand to his aunt with an air that half-amused, half-offended the shrewd dame. "All is as if I had left you but yesterday!" exclaimed Christina. "Uncle, have you pardoned me?