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You will understand that, but I feel a mother's solicitude, and she has certain traits which I fear may become exaggerated faults. She is inclined to be head-strong, heedless, wilful, and I'm afraid, sweet as Mrs. Hampton and Mrs. Habersham are dear girls! I love them like my own daughters that they encourage Marcia in her defiance of proper authority and her dreadful extravagance.

Hayden attempted to infuse into his tones, merely polite, superficial interest; what he really put into them was an eager longing to hear of his butterfly lady. "I have just come from her," said Bea Habersham, "I do hope she will be more like herself this evening!" "Like herself!" Hayden wheeled sharply. "Why, what do you mean? Is she not well? Is she ill?" He could not conceal his anxiety.

Habersham thought a moment, "she had been at Mademoiselle Mariposa's early in the afternoon; but what she did before that, I do not know. Of course, I suppose, she spent the morning at at her studio." "She had been at the Mariposa's? Are you sure?" questioned Hayden. "Oh, positive." Bea lifted her face to look at him in surprise. "Yes, I distinctly remember her saying so.

Habersham and Son the twilled wool and cotton, called by some 'Hazzard's cloth, for all the women and children, and get two or three dozen handkerchiefs so as to give each woman and girl one.... The shoes you will procure as usual from Mr. Habersham by sending down the measures in time."

The prospect of her society, if only for a block or so, was a welcome relief to him. He felt rather aggrievedly that he had been the prey of bores during the entire day, skilfully escaping one, only to be firmly button-holed by another. Therefore he quickened his steps to overtake Mrs. Habersham, whom he had always found especially sympathetic and sincere.

These and a thousand other kindred reflections, relating also to my own circumstances, crowd upon me at the moment of again entering this famous city." Takes rooms with Horatio Greenough. Political talk with Lafayette. Riots in Paris. Letters from Greenough. Bunker Hill Monument. Letters from Fenimore Cooper. Cooper's portrait by Verboeckhoven. European criticisms. Reminiscences of R.W. Habersham.

"But don't you think it was probably some absurd or tyrannical action of her mother's that caused her unhappiness?" "It wasn't exactly unhappiness," objected Mrs. Habersham. "It was more as if she had had some kind of a shock, and could not immediately recover from it.

Habersham at Savannah; and, parting affectionately with his flock, he went to Charlestown, South Carolina, and, on the 9th of September, went aboard the Mary, Captain Coe, for England, where he arrived in the latter part of November, 1738.

These facts were like a dash of cold water, extinguishing the flame of his hopes. And yet, and yet, the butterflies! But that, he was forced to admit, might be the merest coincidence. On that chain of evidence he would find it necessary to regard his cousin, Kitty Hampton, Mrs. Habersham, the London actress, a score of women, as possible owners of his Golconda.

Habersham in after years wrote and sent to Morse some of his reminiscences of that period, and from these I shall quote the following as being of more than ordinary interest: "The Louvre was always closed on Monday to clean up the gallery after the popular exhibition of the paintings on Sunday, so that Monday was our day for visits, excursions, etc.