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At times Gyp's tendency to get at the very root of things annoyed her older sister. "I don't care about dictionaries. Now that the school's going to be at Highacres we four want to always be very careful how we speak of Uncle Peter and act sort of dignified out there " "Rats!" cut in Graham, with scorn. "I say, Gyp that's my banner!"

They "saw," all genially and generously for I must add that I had made, to the best of my recollection, no morbid scruple of not blabbing about Gyp and her strange incitement. I the more boldly held my tongue over this that the more I, by my intelligence, lived in my arrangement and moved about in it, the more I sank into satisfaction.

What sort of a bounder was he to look at? I used to know a Swede in the Turkish army nice fellow, too." "Tall and thin and white-faced, with bumpy cheek-bones, and hollows under them, and queer green eyes. Oh, and little goldy side-whiskers." "By Jove! It sounds the limit." Gyp murmured, with a smile: "Yes; I think perhaps he is." She saw him next day in the gardens.

It promised to be the most exciting game of the season; if Lincoln could defeat South High it would win the Interschool cup. There had, alas, to be practiced a little more deception to explain why Jerry remained at home. Gyp had announced that Jerry had a headache and Mrs. Westley had been much concerned Jerry, who never had an ache or a pain!

With her round blue eyes fixed on him, and her lips just parted, she had a slightly vacant look. Her laugh, too, was just a little vacant. And yet her features were so beautiful, her hair so smooth and fair, her colouring so pale and fine, her neck so white and round, the poise of her body so perfect that Gyp found it difficult to take her glance away. She had refused her aunt's companionship.

From the doorway where Uncle Johnny had been taking in the little scene came a chuckle. As Gyp walked haughtily out of the room he came forward and laid his hand on Jerry's shoulder. "Right-o, Jerry-girl. There's more than one kind of a victory, isn't there? Now run along and make peace with Miss Gypsy and let me get acquainted with my Bonnie four whole days since I've seen you."

He, too, talked of the house; but every now and then he glanced at the corridor, and muttered. It was pleasant to feel that the thought of her possessed him through and through, but she was tremulously glad of that corridor. Life is mercifully made up of little things! And Gyp was always able to live in the moment.

"We shall soon see!" Gyp played. Twice he nodded; once he tapped his fingers on his teeth, and showed her the whites of his eyes which meant: "That will have to be very different!" And once he grunted. When she had finished, he sat down beside her, took her hand in his, and, examining the fingers, began: "Yes, yes, soon again! Spoiling yourself, playing for that fiddler! Trop sympathique!

Gyp said, in a hard voice: "I didn't want to have a child." He said quickly: "No; but now you have it you are glad. Don't be unmerciful, my Gyp! It is like you to be merciful. That girl it is all over I swear I promise." His hand touched her foot through the soft eiderdown. Gyp thought: 'Why does he come and whine to me like this? He has no dignity none! And she said: "How can you promise?

Then the school sang their Alma Mater the undergraduates singing the first two verses, the graduates singing the last. The dear, familiar notes rang with a truer, braver cadence one voice, clearer than the others, broke suddenly with feeling. "Wasn't it all perfectly beautiful?" cried Gyp as the audience moved slowly after the files of graduates.