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Updated: August 16, 2024

All summer she sails, floats, glides, sits, perches, sprawls, walks, meanders, talks, climbs, rides, saunters, or dances madly as her mood or circumstances suggest. There is her life, varying a little according to clime and disposition, according to whether she is daughter of a duke or of a successful grocer.

"We have no right to say that of anyone without good cause." "We never steal," said Phil, indignantly; for he understood what was said. "Of course he says so," sneered the grocer. "Come and warm yourselves, if you want to." The boys accepted this grudging invitation, and drew near the stove. They spread out their hands, and returning warmth proved very grateful to them.

Abbot Morgan's disappointment was not tempered by any such great happiness as came to little Todd, but it was a proud moment when he showed his uncle his bank-book, and heard his hearty praise. Judge Parker and the grocer were there also at the time. "I came to tell you," said the grocer, "that there is a man in my store who has a first-class wheel that he wants to sell cheap.

"That grocer must be a very decent sort of man as grocers go," Mrs. Carroll was fond of remarking in those days. "I really don't know what we should do if it were not for him." After dinner was over it was nearly nine o'clock; Carroll and Major Arms walked up and down the road before the house, smoking, leaving the ladies on the porch.

His father's poverty forced him to give up the hope of a learned life, and at the age of fourteen he was apprenticed to a small grocer in a country village, in whose employment, surely uncongenial enough for such a spirit, he spent five and a half years, selling butter, herrings, potato-brandy and the like, and occupying his spare moments in tidying out the little shop.

"A week hence," replied the grocer; "as soon as I have laid in a sufficient stock of provisions." "And am I not to leave the house for a year?" cried Amabel, with a dissatisfied look. "Why should you wish to leave it?" asked her father, curiously. "Ay, why?" repeated Leonard, in a low tone. "I shall be here." Amabel seemed confused, and looked from her father to Leonard.

When he came out with the mail he said he better ask if the landlord did not want some of mother's corn and milk fed spring chickens, because last year he had paid her more than the grocer. So he drove across the street, stopped at the curb, and left me to hold the team. Maybe you think I wasn't proud!

The foremost of the searchers, who kept a phial of vinegar to his nose all the time he remained in the room, then demanded in a low tone whether there were any other of the household infected? The grocer replied in the negative.

This pleasantry was quite lost on the grocer, for he hastened to agree with me, with a "Sure he doesn't," and a convincing wag of the head, as who should say, "Let no man accuse my friend, Mr. Jardine, of bathing in olive-oil, while I am about!" It was very soothing. "Well, just send it back, Mrs. Jardine," said he, presently, "it's in gallon cans and sealed."

"I don't know 'ow you find 'im, Miss Grimes," she continued, her voice rising in anger, "but if yer believe me, a meaner man niver walked the earth. I've 'ad ter pawn the things in this very room ter pay the baker an' the grocer. That's 'ow 'e makes 'is money. Starvin' 'is own wife ter squeeze a few shillin's for 'is bankin' account.

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