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Blown by now, at any rate must see what can be done for her obliged to go for governess disgrace to the Crown!" Faith, with her quiet self-respect, and the largeness learned from sorrow, was almost capable of not weeping that she had left at home her apple-green Poland mantlet and jockey bonnet of lilac satin checked with maroon.

Your engagement, I believe, was quarterly, and I must beg of you to consider it canceled." Miss Bennett turned red and pale; the offensive tone sank into one pitifully weak and cringing. "Oh, Mrs. Grey! don't be hard upon me; I'm a poor governess, doing my best, and father has a large family of us, and the shop isn't as thriving as it was.

Do not be too blate, and for God's sake do not try to be too forward; nothing acts you worse. I am "Your affectionate friend and governess, "BARBARA GRANT."

When the young Princess had turned the age of five, her lessons began under the superintendence of Fräulein Lehzen, the governess of Princess Feodore, who was afterwards raised to the peerage as Baroness Lehzen.

Laura said, 'Oh yes, you had better do anything with the children that will keep them profitably occupied; she came very near saying anything that would occupy the governess herself. She had rather a dread of new stories it took the little boys so long to get initiated and the first steps were so terribly bestrewn with questions.

"I did not know," said the King, smiling, "that you were so intimately acquainted with the Comte du L ." "You ought to embrace him," said she, "he is very handsome." "I will begin, then, with the young lady," said the King, and embraced them in a cold, constrained manner. I was present, having joined Mademoiselle's governess.

It does not follow that every parent contains these reservoirs, and that a continual close association with the parents is always beneficial to children. If it did, we should have to prosecute everyone who employed a governess or sent away a little boy to a preparatory school. And our real task is to establish a test that will gauge the desirability and benefit of a parent's continued parentage.

"Me, sir? and with whom? the gentleman who knows so well the manner of keeping his feet in a gale?" "You were about to relieve any doubts we might have concerning the amusements of seamen," said the governess, reproving the too playful spirit of her pupil, by a glance of her own grave eye. "Ay, it was the humour of the moment, nor will I balk it."

"Can't I love you both?" cried he, somewhat irritated; and just then Miss Prosody and her brood appeared in sight. "I return you my share," exclaimed Bluebell, breaking abruptly from him, and, running down the path, joined the governess and children.

I remember a quick and clever little girl aged five and a half years who was urged on by her governess to work which she delighted in, till at length the signs of over-taxed brain showed themselves in frequent extreme irritability, and occasional attacks of causeless fury amounting almost to madness.