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Relays of large Gorillas relieved each other at the litters at intervals of twenty minutes, as I calculated by my watch, one of Jones and Bates's, of Boston, Mass., though I have been unable to this day to ascertain how these animals calculate time with such surprising accuracy. We slept for that night under

"Zounds!" he said, "here is a wide courtyard; it is impossible for us to cross it. We must get down now." "And how, for Heaven's sake!" "By taking hold of the gutters and the balconies." "One would suppose that we were gorillas," sighed Gudel. "We must do something!" "Yes, but I am a little heavy, as you have reason to acknowledge. How can we tell that guards are not below waiting for us.

The cultivation of the various varieties in India, China, and the Malay Archipelago dates, says De Candolle, 'from an epoch impossible to realise. Its diffusion, as that great but very oracular authority remarks, may go back to a period 'contemporary with or even anterior to that of the human races. What this remarkably illogical sentence may mean I am at a loss to comprehend; perhaps M. de Candolle supposes that the banana was originally cultivated by pre-human gorillas; perhaps he merely intends to say that before men began to separate they sent special messengers on in front of them to diffuse the banana in the different countries they were about to visit.

They thought of this as they proceeded, and reflected also on the course to be adopted when they reached the rendezvous of the gorillas. Supposing there could be no footing found, how were they to use either gun or sumpitan? The question passed between them in a whisper as they swam side by side. Neither knew how to answer it.

"And after so much art to see an orang-outang in a tree would be a new experience, Owen." "Soon there will be no more higher apes, if medical science continues to progress; no more gorillas or chimpanzees." "In a world without gorillas life will not be worth living. I quite understand." Owen laughed. "I should be sorry for anything to disappear.

The fact that she was false as Judas was not apparent to this girl whose knowledge of Iscariotism was as hearsay as her knowledge of gorillas. Now, as she turned in her bed, it was in defence against intrusion. Deference to her mother she had always observed.

Hanno brought back from this voyage hairy skins, which, he stated, belonged to men and women whom he had captured, and who were known to the natives by the name of Gorillas. Another log-book is that of a Greek named Scylax, who gives the sailing distances between nearly all ports on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and the number of days required to pass from one to another.

"What is it?" "Oh, a lot of trash about his having traveled all over the world, been captured by pirates and cannibals, fought gorillas and tigers, shot elephants and so forth. Of course that's all rot." "Of course. What does he say about it?" "Oh, he simply laughs at the stories. If a fellow asks him point-blank if they are true he tells him not to let anybody string him.

"I sold everything, bank stock, railway shares, city houses, tobacco plantations, lead mines, foundries, gorillas, and all! And I have transferred the whole in simple cash to this country." "And it is three millions?" "Three millions." "Ciel! Now, then, I can have my villa at Torquay, and my yacht, and my "

"Lord Vincent, I would be obliged if you would tell him to send one of my women to me," said Claudia coldly. "Women? Oh! Here, Frisbie! send the female gorillas up." "I said one of my women, the elder one, he may send." "Frisbie, send the old female gorilla up, then." The man went out of the room.