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I niver seed a bit o' animal paintin' to beat t' copy as Orth'ris made of Rip's marks, wal t' picter itself was snarlin' all t' time an' tryin' to get at Rip standin' theer to be copied as good as goold. Orth'ris allus hed as mich conceit on himsen as would lift a balloon, an' he wor so pleeased wi' his sham Rip he wor for tekking him to Mrs. DeSussa before she went away.

The bag was searched, the token was found, and the gold was immediately handed to them." "Molly, my dear," said Rooney Machowl at this point, "you make a note o' that; an' if ever you have to do with bags o' goold, just putt a brass token or two into 'em." "Ah! Shut up, Rooney," said Mrs Machowl, in a voice so sweet that the contrast between it and her language caused Edgar and Joe to laugh.

She might even justify herself to him, might beat him into submission by sheer force of her beauty and her passion, as she had done once before. He would run no such risk. He felt that he could not sacrifice his sense of right and wrong, could not allow himself to be dragged into the moral chaos in which, it seemed to him now, Miss Goold lived.

'Ar-re these th' holy bonds iv mathrimony? he says; f'r he is a wild divvle, an' ye can't stop his jokin', avin on solemn occasions. "Th' soggarth comes in afther a while, carryin' a goold prayer-book, th' gift iv th' Rothscheelds, an' stands behind a small but vallyable pree Doo.

'Ordherly, he says, 'put a bottle on th' ice, an' see that me goold pants that I wear with th' pale blue vest with th' di'mon buttons is irned out, he says. An' with a haggard face he walked aboord th' excursion steamer, an' wint away. "I'd hate to tell ye iv th'thriles iv th' expedition, Hinnissy.

Why, she rode iv a carriage, an' good 'osses, too, an' her 'air was that oiled as you could see your faice in it, an' she wore dimond rings an' a goold chain, an' silk an' satin dresses as mun 'a' cost a deal, for it isn't a cheap shop as keeps enough o' one pattern to fit a figure like hers. Her name was Mrs.

He had started enthusiastically many days before on this journey to the gold regions, under the full conviction that on the first or second day he would be, as he expressed it, "riding through fields of goold dust;" instead of which, day after day passed, and night after night, during which he endured all the agonies inseparable from a first journey on horseback, and still not a symptom of gold was to be seen, "no more nor in owld Ireland itself."

So I wint and had another in the nixt shop I sees, jist to try; and it was thrue. Then a Yankee spies my knife, the great pig-sticker that Bob Short swopped wi' me for my junk o' plum-duff off the Cape. It seems they've run out o' sich articles just at this time, and would give handfuls o' goold for wan. So says I, `Wot'll ye give? "`Three dollars, I guess, says wan.

"To the divil wid yer nuggets what do I know about nuggets? It's a lump of pure goold I've found; as big a lump as my head, and ten times as heavy."

"Ay, ay, comin' sir-r," floated back on the night wind; and, shortly afterwards, the Irishman stumbled into camp with his hands, his face, and his clothes plentifully bedaubed with mud. "Why, what have you been about?" inquired Ned. "Diggin' for goold, sure.