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The town of Ipswich will long boast of having first seen and encouraged so great a genius as Garrick. His first appearance as an actor in London, was on October 19, 1741, when he performed the part of Richard III., at the playhouse in Goodman's Fields.

Now, Carshaw had the rare faculty rare, that is, in men of a happy-go-lucky temperament of becoming a human iceberg in moments of danger or difficulty. The blank absurdity of Miss Goodman's implied assertion that Winifred had run away though, indeed, running away was uppermost in the girl's thoughts had roused him to fiery wrath.

"Dear sister, how can I be still about it?" says the handmaid. "I would not have believed it, though one had told me." And now she would whiles run up to him and look, and whiles run back again to the goodman's daughter, screaming and laughing; but Grettir heard what she said, and as she ran in over the floor by him he caught hold of her, and sang this stave "Stay a little, foolish one!

The Chamberlain damned internally. "Don't believe all you hear, Kate," said he. "And even if it was the case," he broke off in a faint laugh. "Even if what?" she repeated, looking up. "Even if even if there was anything in the story, who's to blame? Your goodman's not the ass he sometimes looks." "You mean that he was the first to put her in your way, and that he had his own reasons?"

There is a little simple farce at Drury Lane, called "Miss Lucy in Town," in which Mrs. Clive mimics the Muscovita admirably, and Beard, Amorevoli tolerably. But all the run is now after Garrick, a wine-merchant, who is turned player, at Goodman's fields. He plays all parts, and is a very good mimic.

Unhappily, many years before her birth, the Macburneys began, as if of set purpose and in a spirit of determined rivalry, to expose and ruin themselves. The heir apparent, Mr. James Macburney, offended his father by making a runaway match with an actress from Goodman's Fields.

Goodman's Fields, where Garrick made his debut, was not opened until the following year, and Covent Garden belongs to a still later date. Fielding's first dramatic essay or, to speak more precisely, the first of his dramatic essays that was produced upon the stage was a five-act comedy entitled Love in Several Masques. It was played at Drury Lane in February 1728, succeeding the Provok'd Husband.

"Now, what the good year! are we to send you down to Scotland as thin as you came up? I am sure it would be contrary to the course of nature. There was my goodman's father, old Sandie Christie, I have heard he was an atomy when he came up from the North, and I am sure he died, Saint Barnaby was ten years, at twenty stone weight.

Miss Goodman, who took an interest in the pretty and amiable girl, spent many an hour of chat with her. Every morning there arrived a present of flowers from Carshaw; every afternoon Carshaw himself appeared as regularly as the clock and drank of Miss Goodman's tea.

He accordingly declined Mrs. Goodman's and Miss Power's invitation; and at five o'clock left the castle and walked across the fields to the little town. He dined early, and, clearing away heaviness with a cup of coffee, applied himself to that volume of the county history which contained the record of Stancy Castle.