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But, apart from the bestowal of this signal mark of favour, Ann found her godfather's behaviour extremely difficult to understand. It was usually his custom to treat her with a species of crusty amiability, but, on this occasion, after the first warmth of his welcome had evaporated, she found that the crustiness became much more in evidence and the amiability conspicuously lacking.

The cause of freedom, which is the cause of God's kingdom upon earth, is often most injured by the enemies who carry within them the power of certain human virtues. The wickedest man is often not the most insurmountable obstacle to the triumph of good." "Then why do you say again, that you do not desire my godfather's death?" said Romola, in mingled anger and despair.

At length Philip came, too, with his hat in one hand and a cardboard box in the other. "The godfather's present to little Katherine," he said. Kate opened the lid, and drew out a child's hood in scarlet plush. "You are very good," she said vacantly. "Don't let us talk of goodness," he answered; and he turned to go. "Wait," she faltered. "I have something to say to you. Shut the door."

But that which had moved Cousin Maud to mirth was that my Uncle Christian had related how that he and Master Pernhart, finding old Tetzel, Ursula's father, at Augsburg, had agreed together to make him pay a share towards Herdegen's ransom; and my godfather's face beamed again now, with contentment in every feature, as he told us by what means he had won the churlish old man over to the good cause.

In these days there shall be written a 'Godfather's Assistant, in shape of a dictionary of names, with their concomitant virtues and vices; and this book shall be scattered broadcast through the land, and shall be on the table of every one eligible for godfathership, until such a thing as a vicious or untoward appellation shall have ceased from off the face of the earth.

The governor himself came out to accompany your father to the church, the mayor, and almost the entire city council. And behind you just turn around! There goes Sophya Pavlovna. The town pays its respects to Ignat." At first Foma did not listen to his godfather's whisper, but when he mentioned Medinskaya, he involuntarily looked back and noticed the governor.

"You know," she said gently, placing a hand upon his arm, "that you have behaved very ill, that your godfather's resentment is very justly founded?" "Madame, if I knew that, I should be the most unhappy, the most despairing of men." And he explained himself, as he had explained himself on Sunday to his godfather.

The lost one? But I I don't want to at all!" "The lost one is gone, consequently it is not worthwhile speaking of him. There is a will, dear, which says: 'All my movable and real estates shall go to my daughter, Lubov. And as to the fact that she is your godfather's daughter, we'll set this right." "It is all the same," said Foma, firmly. "I shall not marry her!"

"What, in the name of all the saints?" asked Eva, with increasing alarm. Then Herr Pfinzing, who saw that the door of the house was open, asked her to come down. Eva was soon standing beside her godfather's big bay, and while patting the smooth neck of the splendid animal he said hurriedly, in a low tone: "It's fortunate that it happened so. You can break it gradually to your sister, child.

There is a certain custom here, that when a slave has done anything for which he expects to be punished, he endeavours to fly to some friend of his owner, and obtain a note, asking for the remission of his punishment. The writer of such a letter has the title of godfather bestowed on him, and it would be accounted an act of the greatest impoliteness not to grant the godfather's request.