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"You're a good sport; hitherto you've taken the count, as well as given it, without the flutter of an eyelash and over far more serious matters than your humble servant, who hasn't anything to give him value." Again the sarcastic laugh. She knew he was playing the game, two games indeed, the diplomatic and his own. He had never forgot himself nor regarded her for one little instant.

If you listen to the words of the games which children play in school yards, on sidewalks, and in the streets on pleasant evenings, you will find that most of them, to say the least, border closely on vulgarity; that they are utterly unsuitable to childhood, notwithstanding that they are played with great glee; that they are, in fine, common, rude, silly, and boorish.

The refitting and provisioning were completed; games and ceremonies were witnessed; and finally the ships left the island with the good wishes of a people who had treated their visitors with singular kindness and hospitality during the whole period of their sojourn.

Not a single partie de plaisir was arranged without his co-operation. He was not, however, very fond of any kind of impromptu excursion or picnic, and took part in them rather as grown-up people take part in children's games, with an air of kindly, but rather wearied, friendliness. He took interest in everything else, however.

It was a coolish morning, but we preferred to breakfast in the south verandah. The forenoon we spent in the garden, pretending to play games that come out of boxes, such as croquet and clock golf. But most of the time we drew together and talked.

I ain't talked to an American woman in seven months." Two soldiers were walking along the dusty roadway. First soldier: "Let's go to the Salvation Army hut." Second soldier: "No, I don't want to." First soldier: "They've got a piano and a phonograph and lots of records." Second soldier: "No, I don't want to." First soldier: "They've got books and beaucoup games."

"Well, why don't you say what for?" his Ina asked. She knew that he wanted to be asked, and she was sufficiently willing to play his games, and besides she wanted to know. But she was hot. "I am going," said Dwight, "to take Grandma Gates out in a wheel-chair, for an hour." "Where did you get a wheel-chair, for mercy sakes?"

It was now four o'clock, and the children were assembling for tea, after a series of games, in which they had been joined by Grace Willerly with an unflagging energy, and been occasionally encouraged by a kind word from Mr and Mrs Wilder and their daughters.

They's times when every geezer playin' wins, as I know, for I've sat in such games an' saw more'n one bank busted. The only way to win at gamblin' is wait for a hunch that you've got a lucky streak comin' and then play it to the roof." "It sounds simple," Smoke criticized. "So simple I can't see how men can lose." "The trouble is," Shorty admitted, "that most men gets fooled on their hunches.

They are very different from our Canada Indians, in their houses, dress, manners, inclinations, and customs. They have large public squares, games, assemblies. They seem mirthful and full of vivacity. Their chiefs have absolute authority. No one would dare to pass between the chief and the cane torch which burns in his cabin, and is carried before him when he goes out.