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The fancied picture had grown almost real, when the tears filled his eyes, and, to hide his emotion, he turned his face towards the sea-line, opposite the hazy streak that meant land. "There she is again.... She is following us!" he said. "What?" cried the Spanish captain. "There is a vessel," muttered the General. "I saw her yesterday," answered Captain Gomez.

He was of a family which was originally Portuguese. He had been brought up with the King, although some eight years his senior, and their friendship dated from earliest youth. It was said that Ruy Gomez, when a boy, had been condemned to death for having struck Philip, who had come between him and another page with whom he was quarrelling.

Even after I stopped Gomez I had an idea that I could face the music. Besides, Joe, there's more to this than you think. They call me The Coyote, an', Joe, so help me, from now on I am!" "Did you stop at the Mallory place?" asked Price quietly. Rathburn did not reply at once.

Actuated, it is charged, by a spirit of jealousy and a desire to embarrass Magellan, and render his voyage abortive, Gomez at the very moment that success was assured, and the fleet was entering the strait which led into the Pacific, abandoned his commander; and profiting by the opportunity which was offered him in being detached by Magellan with the San Antonio, one of the ships, to make a reconnaissance in another direction, joined with certain mutineers, seized the captain of that vessel, and returned with her to Spain, arriving there in March 1521.

By a strange fate, though all my companions have been destroyed, I still am bound to life, which I would gladly have quitted." Don Gomez de Castro, I learned, was the prisoner's name. Our conversation, which had been prolonged till a late hour, for it was now night, was interrupted by a blaze of light, which illuminated the whole sky. Hurrying to the door of the hut, the cause became apparent.

It was in the vicinity of those places that Maximo Gomez operated in 1895 and 1896, terrorizing Havana by menacing it from the south and the east while Maceo threatened it from the west. Another short and pleasant trip can be made around the head of the harbor to Guanabacoa, and thence to Cojimar.

"If he has to be moved, let me do it. I'd like to be with him when he comes out of his fever, and learn what he knows about his sister." O'Reilly's appeal was earnest. The colonel readily yielded. "Go, by all means. Report to General Gomez, and he no doubt will let you stay until the boy can talk. He may have news from Matanzas by that time." O'Reilly pressed his colonel's hand gratefully.

None took any special notice of him, and none recognized him. He turned in at the resort he had visited when he first arrived that morning. He started, as he entered the place. A deep frown gathered on his face. Gomez, Eagen's Mexican henchman, was at the bar.

It being indeed the distinguishing character of a Christian, to take more pleasure in the hardships of the cross, than in the softness of repose." The apostle, being upon the point of his departure for Japan, established Father Paul de Camerine, superior-general in his place, and Father Antonio Gomez, rector of the seminary at Goa.

Dewey, with his dash upon Manila; Hobson and his companions, going quietly to apparently certain death, and ships offering the whole muster roll as volunteers to accompany him; Rowan, with his life in his hand at every minute of his journey to Gomez and back, worse than death awaiting him if caught; Blue, making his 70-mile reconnoissance about Santiago; Whitney, with compass and notebook in pocket, dishwashing his perilous way round to Porto Rico this is the old daring of our common race.