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Peckham," Helen answered, very graciously. "Before payin' you your selary," the Principal continued, "I wish to come to an understandin' as to the futur'. I consider that I've been payin' high, very high, for the work you do.

To England! England the ome of the brave, the refuge of the world, where the pore slave never setts his foot but he is free! But how had those two young Erows become equainted with the noble Marcus? That is a mistry we must elucydate in a futur vollam. "Marie, my beloved," said the ruler of France, taking out his watch, "'tis time that the Minister of America should be here."

You will be lucky, however, after that, and many of your evils will gradually begin to recline, as it were. There is reason to believe that the significators denote that in the course of your futur’ life you will sometimes be thrown in with men who you will think is your friends, but who will prove to be your enemy.

"MON CHER FUTUR ASSOCIE, Ah ca! pensez-vous donc que j'aie tout a fait la berlue pour n'avoir pas decouvert de prime abord tout l'insidieux de votre proposition?

And, my young friend, I will advise you, in case your married futur’ is unhappy, and you do find it necessary to give pizon to your consort, do not tell anybody of your intentions; do not let it be known; and you must do it in such a way as not to be suspected, or people will think hard of you, and there may be trouble.”

And I sez, "Bein' that we are all in this world at present, I believe the Lord would ruther we should cover the naked limbs and feed the starvin' bodies here, and now, and leave the futur to Him." But Miss Meechim shook her head sadly. "It sounds well," sez she, "but there is something wrong in any belief that overthrows Scripture and makes the poor wealthy."

Ward, ef you could see your husband now, just as he prowdly emerjis from the presunts of the futur King of Ingland, you'd be sorry you called him a Beest jest becaws he cum home tired 1 nite and wantid to go to bed without takin orf his boots. You'd be sorry for tryin to deprive yure husband of the priceliss Boon of liberty, Betsy Jane!"

Observing at this point that both Ruby and his bride opened their mouths to speak, the captain held up a threatening finger, and sternly said, "Silence!" Then he proceeded "I speak authoritatively on this point, havin' conversed with the seaman Ogilvy, and diskivered his sentiments. That seaman intends to resign the cabin to the young couple, and to hoist his flag for the futur' in the fogs'l."

"It'll be a warnin' to ye, Sam'l, no to be in sic a hurry i' the futur'," said Sanders. Sam'l groaned. "Ye'll be gaein' up to the manse to arrange wi' the minister the morn's mornin'," continued Sanders, in a subdued voice. Sam'l looked wistfully at his friend. "I canna do 't, Sanders," he said; "I canna do 't." "Ye maun," said Sanders. "It's aisy to speak," retorted Sam'l, bitterly.

'What sacrifice, sir? I asked, startled. 'Eh! he said. 'You do not know that le futur is arrived! 'She knows nothing, your Highness, said Eustace. 'What, oh, what is there to know? I implored the Prince and my brother in turn to inform me, for I saw that there was some earnest in the Prince's jests, and I knew that the queen and my mother were looking out for a good match for me in France.