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As soon as Yankie had cantered away, Dad Wrayburn, ex-Confederate trooper, slapped his hand on his thigh and let out a modulated rebel yell. "Dad burn my hide, Jimmie-Go-Get-'Em, you're all right. Fustest time I ever saw Joe take water, but he shorely did splash some this here occasion. I wouldn't 'a' missed it for a bunch of hog-fat yearlin's."

"Does you-all mean dat Carlo fell down de hole?" asked the colored coal- wagon driver. "No, Carlo is a dog," explained Mirabell. "He got tangled up in my Lamb's string, and she fell down the hole. I haven't named my Lamb yet. She's on wheels." "On wheels?" cried the man. "A Lamb on Wheels? Well, I 'clar to goodness dat's de fustest time I ebber done heah ob a t'ing laikdat!"

So I 'lowed I'd jine; an' d'rectly dey sent me an inwite fo' de fustest meetin', an', fo' de Lawd, mar's, w'at yo' s'pose hit was? Hit read kinder like disher," he continued, with a groan: "'Reswolved, which is de butt end of a goat? All comes o' apin' white folks," said the old man, threatening the debaters with the scantling.

A Nathan Forrest fracas, sir. A matter of getting there fustest with the mostest." Balt Haer said amusedly. "Thanks for your opinion, captain. Fortunately, our staff has already come largely to the same conclusions. Undoubtedly, they'll be glad to hear your wide experience bears them out." Joe said evenly, "It's a rather obvious conclusion, of course."

"Nothing won't do but to be at it from the very beginning," said the superior, with a toss of his powdered head; "fight after it as much as ever they like, wear the best of gownds, and go to the fustest of boarding-schools though they plays ever so well on the piando, and talks Italian like a reg'lar Frenchman nothing won't do there's the boiled mutton and turnips shocking wulgarity!

Mandy took him out of the bundle. "Oh, Mammy! I want him!" cried Jim. "Nope! He's mine! I saw him, fustest!" exclaimed Liza Ann, and she reached for the Calico Clown. "Wait a minute, now, chilluns. Wait a minute!" said Mandy, and she held the toy close to her breast. "Dish yeah don't belongs to us." "But it come in de basket of wash, Mammy!" said Jim. "Why can't we keep it?"

"Kaze Mars' Lupus done say he gwine kill de fustest man what 'sturb him, suh," continued the black man, in a listless monotone. "An' I spec' he gwine do it." "Is Sir Lupus abed at this hour?" I asked. "Yaas, suh." There was no emotion in the old man's voice. Something made me think that he had given the same message to visitors many times.

He says this ain't the fustest time Roush has been seen hangin' 'round the cove." The boy's wooden face betrayed nothing. He did not look at his sister. But suspicions began to troop through his mind. He thought again of the voices he had heard by the river and he remembered that it had become a habit of the girl to disappear for hours in the afternoon. 'Lindy went to her room early.

All de old-time coons knows dey's coons, but dese yere free-born darkies got to be white or nuthin'. Yander," nodding his head toward Key West, "a couple of dese yere black Conchs drap in on me an' de ole woman, an' say, 'Uncle Sandy, we'se 'lected yo' hon'ry member of de Anex Debatin' Soci'ty of de Young Men's Chrisshun 'Sociashun of de Fustest Bethel. I reached fo' a chunk of scantlin', and de ole woman stood by fo' to turn loose de coon, w'en dey hollered out dey wasn't no 'spenses, no fees, no nuthin', only ten bits fo' hevin' yo' name 'graved in de soci'ty's books.

He comes of one of de bery fustest families in Old Virginny! He knows what's what, now, as well as I do de Gineral. Ye see, there's pints in all pies, Mas'r George; but tan't everybody knows what they is, or as orter be. But the Gineral, he knows; I knew by his 'marks he made. Yes, he knows what de pints is!"