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On the 6th May we made the westermost of the islands of Juan Fernandez, otherwise called Mas a Fuero, distant twelve leagues N.E. by N. and the day after, our carpenters had completed our new boat, which could carry three hogsheads.

Its decadence after the Roman dominion seems to have been complete, and its name does not appear in the annals of Spanish history until in 1187, when Alfonso, eighth of that name and King of Castile, induced the repopulation of the deserted hamlet by giving it a special fuero or privilege.

Before starting I arranged with the aged councilors to call a meeting the following morning of all government officials. "Could we get Fuero to come, Miela?" She shook her head positively. "His oath would forbid it." "Well, tell the councilors to call also any of the city's prominent men. I've got to get some good men with me. I can't do it all alone."

Miela spoke to him swiftly, and he inclined his head to me by way of introduction, his glance meanwhile taking in the scene on the roof. With Miela as interpreter we held a hurried conversation. I learned then that Fuero and his associates had many years before organized a society for the development of the light-ray in its various forms.

AND now for the strange report that landed at Juan Fernandez while General Rolleston was searching Masa Fuero. The coaster who brought it ashore had been in company, at Valparaiso, with a whaler from Nantucket, who told him he had fallen in with a Dutch whaler out at sea, and distressed for water.

I wondered where Miela was, and then while I was standing there I saw her coming up the stairs, a man following close behind her. I think I have never been so glad to see any one as I was to see her at this moment. Her face was grave; her demeanor calm, as before. "He is here," she said as she came to the head of the stairs. "This is Fuero, Alan, leader of the men of science, who have the ray."

"How did Tao get the ray?" I demanded. "Some members of the society proved false," she answered. "When Tao was banished to the Twilight Country they deserted their brothers and joined him. There were others with him of scientific mind, and these soon learned how to make it, too." Fuero was still regarding me appraisingly. I felt suddenly very young, very inadequate as I stood there facing him.

When I have once begun the mention of our society, I can never leave; but the departure of the vessels constrains me to break off: and behold what I have judged most proper for the conclusion of my letter. If I ever forget thee, O Society of Jesus, let my right hand be unprofitable to me, and may I even forget the use of it! Si oblitus unquam fuero tui, Societas Jesu, oblivioni detur dextera meu.

These officers are not subject to the civil administration at all, whatever they may do. They have their fuero, their private charter, and are only amenable to their own tribunals, just as the clergy are to theirs.

But I met his gaze squarely, and all at once he smiled. "He says, 'Let us speak to the people," said Miela. We went to the parapet. Only a few moments had elapsed since I had stood there before. The situation below was unchanged, except that the crowd had grown denser. A sudden hush fell as they saw us. Fuero turned to me and spoke quietly; his eyes seemed searching out my thoughts.