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She had been very proud of her stepsisters as she sat facing them and she had decided to wear just such muslin dresses, just such hats, when she grew up. Caroline was in pink with coral beads and a pink feather drooping on her dark hair; and Sophia, very fair, with a freckle here and there peeping, as though curious, through the powder, wore yellow with a big-bowed sash.

He went cheerfully, thinking it quite an honor to serve the Colony in any capacity for Freckle, representing a disaffected State, had fallen under suspicion of lukewarm loyalty, and was most anxious to clear up any such imputation. His head was full of odd remembrances as he crossed the Place St.

You would not look at her twice any more than you would have looked at her mother twice. Her hair was dark brown and her eyes dark brown. She had nice rosy cheeks, but they were inclined to freckle. She smiled a good deal and laughed, when in company, more noisily than was proper. "A bit of a tomboy, I'm afraid," was what one used to hear about her.

"Drire rup!" cried Mr. Freckle, looking very attentively, but seeing nothing. "I have the honor to state, gentlemen of the Colony, that we have with us to-night an eloquent representative of our country one whose business energy and enterprise have been useful both to his own fortunes and to the South one who is a friend of yours, and more than a dear friend to me.

And since the eye is a universal possession, among living things, the evolutionist guesses that it came into being, not by design or act of God I will give you the guess, a piece of pigment, or as some say, a freckle, appeared upon the skin of an animal that had no eyes.

However, I don't pine for millinery; it's always a struggle for me to wear a hat myself." "You 've done beautifully the last year or two, dear, and you 've reaped the reward of virtue, for you 've scarcely a freckle left." "Oh, that isn't hats," rejoined Polly, "that's the law of compensation.

There was little to be seen in his face except the best and only thing truth. It shone from his round pale blue eyes; it conquered the self assertion of his unhappy nose; it seemed to glow in every freckle of his sunburnt cheeks, as earnestly he returned Malcolm's gaze. "But," said Malcolm, almost satisfied, "how is this, Travers? I never gave you any instructions about the boy."

And now tell me if to wink, slip over, be blind at, or deceived in the vices of our friends, nay, to admire and esteem them for virtues, be not at least the next degree to folly? What is it when one kisses his mistress' freckle neck, another the wart on her nose? When a father shall swear his squint-eyed child is more lovely than Venus? What is this, I say, but mere folly?

"Del," as we called him, always alluded to himself as "Ferguson." He was tall, with a very large blond face inclined to freckle and his first care of a morning was to scrutinize himself most anxiously to see whether the troublesome brown flecks were increasing or diminishing in number.

"Well, why didn't you bring him over if he was trying to learn things you could teach him?" "What! Me bring him in our place? I reckon not! Now look here, kid," says I, "you don't half know how good-looking you are." "I'm not," says she. "I got a freckle right on my nose. It don't come off neither." "Well, maybe one freckle or so," says I; "but that don't kill off your looks altogether.