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Was she reading some love-sick romance by moonlight, or or possibly a letter? Abbott, without pause, hurried up. His feet sounded on the bridge. Fran was speaking aloud, and, on that account, did not hear him, as he came up behind her. "Grace Noir," she was saying "Abbott Ashton Bob Clinton Hamilton Gregory Mrs. Gregory Simon Jefferson Mrs.

Fran, suddenly thrust into the bosom of a family already fixed in their modes of thought and action, found adjustment exceedingly difficult. She did not care to mingle with the people of the village which was fortunate, since her laughing in the tent had scandalized the neighborhood; she would have been content never to cross the boundaries of the homestead, had it not been for Abbott Ashton.

I would not but see a Lord for all the World! how my Heart beats already keep your Distance behind, Jacinta, bless me, how I tremble a little farther, Jacinta. Fran. Come, come, Huswife, you shall be married anon, and then let your Husband have the plague of you but for my Gentlewoman, Oh Lord they're here. Gull. How now, Fellow, where's this old Don Francisco? Fran. I'm the Person, Sir. Isa.

Now he had left her; but she could wait for her father no longer. She must go to Fran Lerch. The idea of confiding to her the secret which filled her with happy dread was far from her thoughts; but love had both increased her vanity tenfold, and confined it within narrower limits. She could not be beautiful enough for the lover who awaited her, yet she wished to be beautiful for him alone.

"Get Miss Grace to come," Bob said sheepishly. "She doesn't like Fran, and she'll be glad to know Abbott is doing his duty by her. Later, I'll drop in and have a bite with you." This, then, was Bob's "idea", that no stone might be left unturned to hide the perfect innocence of the superintendent. He had known Abbott Ashton as a bare-legged urchin running on errands for his widowed mother.

Abbott inquired, rather resentfully. "I do not know. I wish now, that I had called out," responded Grace, paying no heed to Mrs. Gregory. "That is where I made my mistake. The man got away. Fran came running into the house, and closed the door as softly as she could after she'd unlocked it from the outside! I concluded it would be best to wait till morning, before I said a word.

At last she reached the bridge spanning a ravine in whose far depths murmured a little stream. The bridge was new, built to replace the footbridge upon which Abbott and Fran had stood on the night of the tent-meeting.

Send him! I'll answer no such idle questions. Fran. Jul. I say you're an old jealous Fool; have I seen Don Carlos, or heard from Don Carlos, or sent to Don Carlos? here's a-do indeed. Fran.

A bellowing thing came moving out, whirling huge black vanes against the sky. It boomed more loudly still, and lifted, and then drifted with seeming clumsiness across the level airfield while the night watchman shouted after it. Fran turned on the motorcycle headlight as he'd been told, and picked up the apparatus Soames had made to use strobe-light packs in.

I've a friend in town with a sick daughter, and she's a real friend so I must go to help her, a while." He was both mystified and disappointed. "I didn't know you had any such friends in Littleburg," he remonstrated, remembering how unkind tongues had set the village against her. Fran threw back her head, and her gesture was full of pride and confidence.