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I almost fear that it will become necessary, before this history be completed, to provide a map of Barsetshire for the due explanation of all these localities. Framley is also in the northern portion of the county, but just to the south of the grand trunk line of railway from which the branch to Barchester strikes off at a point some thirty miles nearer to London.

He wrote letters to the two clergymen named by the bishop, and himself selected two others out of his own rural deanery, and suggested to them all a day at which a preliminary meeting should be held at his own house. The two who were invited by him were Mr Oriel, the rector of Greshamsbury, and Mr Robarts, the vicar of Framley.

And I will do two other good things I will carry a brace of pheasants with me, and protect Miss Robarts from the evil spirits of the Framley roads." And so Mrs. Robarts turned in at the gate, and Lucy and his lordship walked off together. Lord Lufton, though he had never before spoken to Miss Robarts, had already found out that she was by no means plain.

The deed of marrying, the absolute tying of the knot, was performed by the Very Reverend the Dean of Barchester, an esteemed friend of Lady Lufton's. And Mrs. Arabin, the dean's wife, was of the party, though the distance from Barchester to Framley is long, and the roads deep, and no railway lends its assistance.

The letter was from his indefatigable friend Sowerby. "My dear Robarts," the letter ran: "I have just heard that poor little Burslem, the Barsetshire prebendary, is dead. We must all die some day, you know, as you have told your parishioners from the Framley pulpit more than once, no doubt. The stall must be filled up, and why should not you have it as well as another?

Chaldicotes is a house of much more pretension than Framley Court. Indeed, if one looks at the ancient marks about it, rather than at those of the present day, it is a place of very considerable pretension. There is an old forest, not altogether belonging to the property, but attached to it, called the Chace of Chaldicotes.

Mrs Crawley, in her despair, said something about the weather; and the major, trying to draw near the special subject, became bold enough to remark "that he had had the pleasure of seeing Miss Crawley at Framley." "Mrs Robarts has been very kind," said Mrs Crawley, "very kind indeed. You can understand, Major Grantly, that this must be a very sad house for any young person."

Seven or eight very precious animals had followed Lord Lufton from Leicestershire, and all of them required dimensions that were thought to be rather excessive by the Framley old-fashioned groom. My lord, however, had a head man of his own who took the matter quite into his own hands.

With all these men I afterwards lived on affectionate terms; but I will here speak specially of the last, because from that time he was joined with me in so much of the work that I did. Mr. Millais was engaged to illustrate Framley Parsonage, but this was not the first work he did for the magazine. In the second number there is a picture of his accompanying Monckton Milne's Unspoken Dialogue.

Mr Oriel had promised to dine and sleep at Framley, and therefore returned in Mr Robarts's gig. "Quite unnecessary, all this fuss; don't you think so?" said Mr Robarts. "I am not quite sure," said Mr Oriel. "I can understand that the bishop may have found a difficulty." "The bishop indeed! The bishop doesn't care two straws about it. It's Mrs Proudie!