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He carried something in his paw, which he placed in 'Zekiel's hand. "Put this on Grandmother Pyetangle's forehead when you return to-night promise that you will keep silence for ever about what you have seen and to-morrow she will be well!" "I promise," said 'Zekiel. "Oh, Fozzy-gog! I'll never forget it!" "No thanks," said the Fozzy-gog. "I like deeds more than words.

They all listened to the Fozzy-gog with respectful attention, as he issued his directions; for he was evidently a person in authority. It did not occur to 'Zekiel to be surprised that all the dogs were chatting together in very comprehensible Dorsetshire English.

It was altogether a strangely attractive animal, and 'Zekiel, from the time he could first indistinctly put a name to anything, had christened it the "Fozzy-gog" out of compliment to its owner, Dame Fossie and the "Fozzy-gog" it remained to him, and to the other children of the village, for ever after.

The Fozzy-gog nodded graciously, and immediately the dogs commenced a wild dance, with many leaps and bounds; round the stone on which their ruler was seated. The moonlight shone brightly on their glancing white coats; and behind rustled the great oak trees, their boughs twisted into fantastic forms, amidst which the wind whistled eerily.

"We dismiss this gathering!" he cried. "And you, Pyetangle" pointing to 'Zekiel's china dog "take your master home, and bring him to our meeting at the cross-roads to-morrow at midnight. Do not fail. Farewell!" As he spoke the Fozzy-gog shrank and stiffened.

Her daughter inherited most of her possessions; but "to my young friend 'Zekiel Pyetangle, I will and bequeath my china dog, hoping as he'll be a kind friend to it," stood at the end of the sheet of paper which did duty as her will. And so 'Zekiel became the owner of the Fozzy-gog after all!

On a rush chair beside his pillow stood the very double of the Fozzy-gog! yellow eyes, gold collar and padlock, black spots, and all complete! 'Zekiel sprang up, and scrambled into his clothes as quickly as possible. He danced round Granny Pyetangle in an ecstasy of delight, and scarcely eat any breakfast, he was in such a hurry to show his treasure to his two friends.

The dogs all worked with renewed energy, and before 'Zekiel could collect his scattered wits enough to retreat or hide himself, the room was in perfect order, and out trooped the china dogs carrying the buckets, brooms, and brushes, they had been using. As they caught sight of 'Zekiel, the Fozzy-gog jumped several feet into the air. "What! 'Zekiel spying upon us!" he screamed angrily.

From the glass door of the corner cupboard the Fozzy-gog and his companion look out upon the world with the same inscrutable expression; and 'Zekiel himself, old and decrepit, but still cheerful, may at this moment be sitting in the cottage porch, watching his little grandchildren play about the cobblestone pathway, or talking over old times with Eli and Hercules Colfox, who, hobbling in for a chat, take a pull at their long pipes, and bemoan the inferiority of everything that does not belong to the time when "us were all lads together."

If you'll do that, I'll promise anything that's to say, anything in reason," added 'Zekiel, who prided himself on this diplomatic finish to his sentence which was one he had frequently heard his grandmother make use of in moments of state and ceremony. The Fozzy-gog appeared to be favourably impressed by 'Zekiel's request. He rose from his chair, and waved his paw graciously.