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The noble animal swam superbly, instinctively making for the tree in a straight line. The tree was only twenty fathoms off, and in a few minutes was safely reached by the whole party; but for this refuge they must all have perished in the flood. The water had risen to the top of the trunk, just to where the parent branches fork out. It was consequently, quite easy to clamber up to it.

You will find it near in some naked fork, but not among the twigs or leaves." Basil and Francois set about looking for the nest, while Lucien continued to watch the evolutions of the tiny little creatures. The "point" upon which our young naturalist wished to be satisfied was, whether the humming-birds eat insects as well as honey a point which has been debated among ornithologists.

And what was still more splendid to behold, the goose hopped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast; straight to the little girl he came. Then the match went out, and only the thick, damp, cold wall was before her. She lighted another.

"Done," responded Reade, after prodding the potatoes with a fork. "What shall we do with the food that's left over?" asked Danny Grin, as he began to eat. "There isn't going to be any food left over," Dick laughed. "You fellows will be lucky, indeed, if you get as much as you want." Everyone was satisfied, however, by the time that the meal was finished.

I would have liked to have stayed a day with them, but if we were to spend Palm Sunday at Fortymile and Easter at Eagle as had been promised, the time remaining did no more than serve; and there was a large band of Indians to visit at Ketchumstock. The next day took us into and across the Ketchumstock Flats, a wide basin surrounded by hills and drained by the Mosquito Fork of the Fortymile.

Deleah asks, lays down knife and fork, spreads hands abroad, as if inviting with exaggerated humility an inspection of her poor claims to favouritism. "But if it were Mr. Boult I think I can understand why it might be Deleah," Mrs. Day said slowly, looking down.

And the next morning we saw his signal in the sky about the same distance behind us, and knew he had forded without any serious trouble. There was never very much love lost between government soldiers and our tribe, so we swept past Camp Supply in contempt a few days later, and crossed the North Fork of the Canadian to camp for the night.

The Second Brigade, sent to watch some fords of Lick Creek, was posted in the fork of a cross-road running to Purdy from the Hamburg road. The Fourth Brigade, commanded by Colonel Buckland, camped with its left near Shiloh Church, and its color-line nearly at right angles with the Corinth road.

I took 'em to be Major Lee's men, or mebbe yours, from their caps and plumes; but I dunno: I couldn't see well. But if they was goin' to the Morristown camp, they was goin' by a roundabout way, fur they took the road to the right, at the fork t'other side o' them woods!" "Good, if 'twas a British troop indeed! If I take the short road, I may beat 'em. Caps and plumes like ours, eh!

There came a knock on the door, and when Mrs. Brown opened it there stood the same man from whom Ben had run away the day before. "Oh, you're back again I see!" said the man. Ben dropped his knife and fork on his plate, and looked around for a place to hide. Everyone was silent, waiting for what would happen next. "Now don't be afraid, Ben," said the man. "I'm not going to hurt you."