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The governor was immediately informed that something very like a rebellion had taken place. And he sent back an order to flog the two chief offenders, Vasiliev and the tramp, Nepomnishy, giving each thirty strokes with a birch rod. The flogging was appointed to take place in the women's interviewing-room.

"Is it not yours?" "No, sir." "Don't you know whose it is?" cried Mr. Power. Hardy was silent. "Now, gentlemen," said Mr. Trueman, "I am not fond of punishing you; but when I do it, you know, it is always in earnest. I will begin with the eldest of you; I will begin with Hardy, and flog you with my own hands till this handkerchief is owned."

Our children, I perceive, think otherwise nor do I wonder at it." "I shan't go," said John; "I shall only be sent to school; no master shall flog me I'm a man." "Nor me," cried Percival. The Colonel and Mr and Mrs Campbell, as well as the elder portion of the party, could not help smiling at the exclamations of the two boys.

Moggy landed, and hastened, full of wrath, to her own lodgings, where she found Nancy Corbett waiting for her. At first she was too full of her own injuries and the attempt to flog her dear, darling Jemmy to allow Nancy to put in a word.

Bumble can spare time to step up there, directly, and flog him 'cause master's out. 'Certainly, my boy; certainly, said the gentleman in the white waistcoat: smiling benignly, and patting Noah's head, which was about three inches higher than his own. 'You're a good boy a very good boy. Here's a penny for you. Bumble, just step up to Sowerberry's with your cane, and see what's best to be done.

Whip, whack, flog, starve, rack, punish, torture Bulbo break all his bones roast him or flay him alive pull all his pretty teeth out one by one! But justly dear as Bulbo is to me, joy of my eyes, fond treasure of my soul! Ha, ha, ha, ha! revenge is dearer still. Ho! tortures, rack-men, executioners light up the fires and make the pincers hot! get lots of boiling lead! Bring out ROSALBA!"

Not long ago a public body in England had to deal with the case of a schoolmaster who, conceiving himself insulted by the smoking of a cigaret against his orders by a pupil eighteen years old, proposed to flog him publicly as a satisfaction to what he called his honor and authority.

The old lady did not catch the meaning of the phrase. She seemed surprised. " Why, I've never seen any full-grown person in this world who got experience any too quick for his own good." At the tail of the procession there was talk between the two students who had in charge the little grey horse-one to lead and one to flog.

"I'll grate your tobacco for you," he continued, "I'll pray to God for you, and if there is anything wrong, then flog me like the grey goat. And if you really think I shan't find work, then I'll ask the manager, for Christ's sake, to let me clean the boots, or I'll go instead of Fedya as underherdsman.

I remember my father, in one of his unpublished letters written more than forty years ago, when the political and social state of the country was gloomy and troubled, and there were riots in many places, goes on, after strongly insisting on the badness and foolishness of the government, and on the harm and dangerousness of our feudal and aristocratical constitution of society, and ends thus: "As for rioting, the old Roman way of dealing with that is always the right one; flog the rank and file, and fling the ringleaders from the Tarpeian Rock!"