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I saw it with my own eyes. They were standing together in the copse, when I, who had long had my suspicions, crept up, and saw them; and Mr. Mordaunt held her hand, and kissed it every moment. Shocking and indecorous!" "I hate that man! as proud as Lucifer," growled the General. "Shall we lock her up, or starve her?" "No, General, something better than that." "What, my love? flog her?"

I considered the case proved; and Mini, having confessed, requested that I would flog him rather than deliver him to the Tokroori authorities, who wonld imprison him and take away his camel. I told him that I would not disgrace his tribe by flogging one of their oldest men, but that I should take him before the Sheik of Gallabat, and fine him the amount that he had stolen.

They hang, they flog to death women, old men, and innocent people, as was done recently among us in Russia at the Yuzovsky factory, and is always being done everywhere in Europe and America in the struggle with the anarchists and all other rebels against the existing order; they shoot and hang men by hundreds and thousands, or massacre millions in war, or break men's hearts in solitary confinement, and ruin their souls in the corruption of a soldier's life, and no one is responsible.

Russell, "I do not know whether she ever paid it back but the result was the same." When in Scotland once she found that a man with a cart-load of herrings had been using a piece of barbed wire to flog his horse with. He was taxed with the barbarity, but denied it. The Duchess thereupon walked back and found the wire.

"My dear Paton, forgive my saying that I don't think that a rigid system is the fairest; summa lex summa crux. Fish of very different sorts and sizes come to our nets, and you can't shove a turbot through the same mesh that barely admits a sprat." "I'll think of what you say; but I must leave him in Dr Lane's hands now," said Mr Paton. "Who, I heartily hope, won't flog him," said Mr Percival.

She stifled a sob; then before I could say more, the Lieutenant, with his sergeant and light, were at my elbow. He saluted Mademoiselle roughly. She looked at him with shuddering abhorrence. 'Are you come to flog me too, sir? she said passionately. 'Is it not enough that you have murdered my servant?

For I can assure him that if he tries to make good his threat, I shall show myself one of the Danaides, and he will need his funeral feast full soon after the wedding banquet." "Woman!" and Lentulus, thoroughly exasperated, broke in furiously. "Say another word, and I with my own hands will flog you like a common slave." Cornelia laughed hysterically.

"Well, sir, I beg your pardon; but what must be, must be. I mean no disrespect, Captain Hawkins, but I cannot flog that man my conscience won't let me." "Your conscience, sir!"

Refuse to strike into it; shirk the heavy labor, disobey the rules, I will admonish and endeavor to incite you; if in vain, I will flog you; if still in vain, I will at last shoot you, and make God's Earth, and the forlorn-hope in God's Battle, free of you. Understand it, I advise you! "Left speaking:" alas, that he should have to "speak" so much!

"Oh, what has happened? I have been in heaven!" Then raising myself, and apparently only just recognising Miss Frankland, I threw my arms round her neck, and exclaimed "Dear Miss Frankland, do flog me again if it will produce again such ecstasies as I never before experienced." Her face was flushed, her eye shone with all the fire of libidinous passion.