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She shouted her answer from the threshold. "Do you think I'm daft to be sitting my lone in your kitchen and them flogging a clever young man in the next street?" Then the hall-door slammed. Finlay turned to Hope. He was whiter than ever, and his whole body shook as if with an ague. "Kelso will tell," he said. "Kelso knows, and they'll flog the secret out of him. He'll tell, I know he will.

I'll teach yo to show imperence to your betters. Yo bin allus badly i' want o' soombody to tak yo down a peg or two. Now I'll show yo. I'll not fight yo, but I'll flog yo flog yo d' yo hear? And raising his carter's whip he brought it down on the boy's back and legs.

'Yuditch, for the last time I tell you, I beg you, Yuditch, confess! 'I can't! moaned Yuditch. 'Then take him, the sly old fox! Flog him to death! His blood be on my head! thundered the infuriated old man. The flogging began.... The door suddenly opened, and Vassily came in.

"Walter Puddock, I just have been telling Master Keene that you're the best Latin scholar in the whole school. Now, sir, don't make me out to be a liar do me credit, or, by the blood of the O'Gallaghers, I'll flog ye till you're as thin as a herring. What's the Latin for a cocked hat, as the Roman gentlemen wore with their togeys?"

'Have you anything to say? demanded Squeers again: giving his right arm two or three flourishes to try its power and suppleness. 'Stand a little out of the way, Mrs Squeers, my dear; I've hardly got room enough. 'Spare me, sir! cried Smike. 'Oh! that's all, is it? said Squeers. 'Yes, I'll flog you within an inch of your life, and spare you that.

"But you thrashed him, Pelle, and one mustn't thrash fine folks like that; they have got a doctor's certificate that might be your ruin. Is your father a friend of the magistrate's? They can dishonor you for the rest of your life. I think you ought to choose the lesser evil." No, Pelle could not do that. "So let them flog me instead!" he said morosely.

It was a common practice, when a slave offended a white man, for the master to send for a public whipper, and order him to take the slave before the door of the person offended, and flog him till the latter was satisfied. White females would order their male slaves to be stripped naked in their presence and flogged, while they would look on to see that their orders were faithfully executed. Mr.

And then I'll starve myself, and flog myself, and in that way I'll get back my own mind and my own soul." "Your own soul, Lucy!" said Mrs. Robarts, in a tone of horror. "Well, my own heart, if you like it better; but I hate to hear myself talking about hearts. I don't care for my heart.

The older two he had sold, one at a time, as they became saleable or got in his way. On the sale of the first, the mother "took on so that he was obliged to flog her almost to death before she gave up." But he had made her understand that their children were to be sold, at his convenience, and that he "would not have more than three little niggers about the house at one time."

She then told him, that when he whipped any more of the women, he must make them strip off their clothes, as well as the men, and flog them on their bare backs, or he should be flogged himself. Ben often appeared very gloomy and sad: I have frequently heard him, when in his room, mourning over his condition, and exclaim, "Poor African slave! Poor African slave!"