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"Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother," for whom Ben Jonson wrote the celebrated epitaph. I am almost afraid to say it, but I never could admire the line, "Lies the subject of all verse," nor the idea of Time dropping his hour-glass and scythe to throw a dart at the fleshless figure of Death. This last image seems to me about the equivalent in mortuary poetry of Roubiliac's monument to Mrs.

He clasped Toby's hand with one set of his fleshless fingers, while with the other he wiped one or two suspicious looking drops of moisture from his eyes as he said: "I hope you'll get along all right, my boy, and I believe you will. You will get home to Uncle Daniel and be happier than ever, for now you know what it is to be entirely without a home.

Ilderim walked to him as he sat on Sirius, and said, "I give them to you, son of Arrius, to do with as you will until after the games. You have done with them in two hours what the Roman may jackals gnaw his bones fleshless! could not in as many weeks. We will win by the splendor of God, we will win!"

It opened full upon me its dull, glassy, lustreless eyes; stark, cold, and hideous it stood before me. It lifted a stiffened arm and struck me a blow in the face with its icy and almost fleshless hand from which reptiles fell and writhed at my feet. I turned to rush into another room, but the door was bolted.

How did the prisoner look? Emaciated to a skeleton, his teeth prominent between fleshless lips, his eyes wide open, a wondrous fire burning in their depths. "As you will never send for me, my dear Ferleitner, I have come again unasked to see how you fare. You are not ill?" "Has the sentence come?" asked the prisoner.

Arbaces was in a place of human bones; and lo! in the midst of them was a skull, and the skull, still retaining its fleshless hollows, assumed slowly, and in the mysterious confusion of a dream, the face of Apaecides; and forth from the grinning jaws there crept a small worm, and it crawled to the feet of Arbaces.

They wrapped him in warm flannels, rubbed his fleshless limbs, and gave him cordials, drop by drop. How long the hours, the weary hours of hope and fear, of expectation and distress, while the faltering spirit, as if tired of earth, was but fluttering awhile along the shore of Time before taking its returnless flight over the dark and silent river to another land!

Only the hands tell the tale, with their huge, shining, fleshless joints, their shadowy hollows, and their unnatural yellow nails. The old man lay quite still, breathing softly through his snowy beard. Unorna came to his side.

I stayed away from you I could not come to you, because... I dared not come to you, my wife, my beloved! I could not come because I was a coward: because hear me this was the reason: I have broken my marriage oath." Again her lips moved. She caught at a dim fleshless meaning in them. "But you love me? Richard! My husband! you love me?" "Yes. I have never loved, I never shall love, woman but you."

Over all this picturesque confusion grinned a fleshless human skull with its eye sockets and yawning jaws stuffed full of faded boutonnieres.