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In spite of some attempt on the part of the police to keep the hour secret, half Venice followed the black-draped barca, which bore that flawed poet and dubious hero to his rest. It was a morning of exceeding beauty.

Watts of the permission which Colonel Clive had given me to help myself, and he confirmed it. "Take what you please," he said carelessly. "You will find the emeralds run larger than any other stone, but some of them are flawed. There is a pretty string of rubies somewhere that it might be worth while to choose.

She surveyed herself in the flawed glass, moving from side to side, fascinated at the strange distortions. "I call it positive extortion, charging what they do for a room like this," grumbled Keith, busy at the trunk. "The Sherwoods must pay a mint of money for theirs. I wonder what he does!" Her attention attracted by this subject, she arrested her posing before the mirror.

He was a smallish man, with a suggestion of something dapper about him even in his present unkempt disorder; he might have been handsome, in a weakly effeminate way, had not Nature or some mishap given his face a twist that skewed it all to one side, drawing all of his features out of focus, like a reflection viewed in a flawed mirror. He was no heavier than the woman and hardly as tall.

Treasure, treasure; that first. She was beginning to hate the very sound of the word. The colonel had been nervous, impatient and irritable ever since the document had been discovered. Till recently Kathlyn had always believed her father to be perfect, but now she saw that he was human, he had his flawed spot. Treasure! Before her or Winnie! So be it.

He caught hold of the hammer in both hands and brought it down with all his force on the link between Roy's handcuffs. More by chance than skill the blow fell absolutely true, and the steel, either flawed or over-tempered, snapped. Roy gave a cry of delight, and snatching the hammer from Ken took up the chisel and set to work on his bonds.

Old Koho's getting civilized enough to make his people bring in the nuts. There's the mouth of the stream where you found the three women softening." The Wonder, wing-and-wing, was headed directly in for the anchorage. She rose and fell lazily over a glassy swell flawed here and there by catspaws from astern.

But was it not altogether for her good that his flawed, contradictory life should be cut violently from hers? Could their marriage, ill-planted, ill-grown, have come in the end to any tolerable fruit?

And yet it was only the merest chance, the merest run of bad luck but it leaves him, you say, with the impression that we are flawed?" "A terrible flaw. His opinion is that there is a deep coldness in women. In the brain, too, he feels them mortally unsound. Mad and cold he says now of all women, and therefore as unlike a normal man as a creature half-lunatic, half-snake."

The cups were all of glass; some were of deep green, of the color of the sea near the land, flawed and specked with the bubbles of the furnace. Others were of brilliant scarlet, streaked with irregular bands of white, and having the appearance of white globules in the molded stem.