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Azuma-zi hesitated, and then slipped across noiselessly into the shadow by the switch. There he waited. Presently the manager's footsteps could be heard returning. He stopped in his old position, unconscious of the stoker crouching ten feet away from him. Then the big dynamo suddenly fizzled, and in another moment Azuma-zi had sprung out of the darkness upon him.

While the dear things fizzled and bubbled, we were allowed to sit by the stove and toast our feet; and if anything could have smelled more heavenly than the salt rain and sweet honeysuckle out of doors, it would have been the eggs and bacon in the New Inn kitchen.

If he had fizzled on it, I could understand how that and the way he's been grinding indoors night and day " "No; he's stood that better than I had feared. What a shame! what a beastly shame! When Miss Leslie learns " "Miss Leslie?" cut in Griffith. "If she shakes him for this, she's not much account after all he did for her.

But the movement fizzled out miserably, and only an insignificant number of workmen struck. On the other hand, the declaration of war was greeted by an outburst of popular enthusiasm such as no one believed possible in the Italy of to-day.

"Bumpin' into?" the other grunted, "nothing much by the look of it." They glared at one another like fighting cats ... the contretemps fizzled out; both were too tired to argue. Disembarkation during the night in a blinding storm of rain that had materially increased to a torrential downpour materially helped to damp spirits already none too high.

And there was a blacksmith's forge there, and they were shoeing horses, and the hoofs fizzled and smoked, and smelt so jolly! I stayed there quite a long time. Then I got thirsty, so I asked that old woman for some water, and while she was getting it her cat came out of the cottage, and looked at me in a nasty sort of way, and said something I didn't like.

You hoped you would make me think the sampler two hundred years older than it really is! And you thought that would make it much more valuable. Well, you overreached yourself! There were no samplers made so far as is known in 1636. So your trick wouldn't fool anybody!" "All right. There's no harm done, that I can see. My little joke fizzled out, that's all." "No, that isn't all.

For the space of a breathless second Laura connected him with the pink satin; then he dropped into a vacant seat at Evelyn's side. From this moment on, Laura's pleasure in her expensive seat, in the pretty blue theatre and its movable roof, in the gay trickeries of the MIKADO, slowly fizzled out. Evelyn had no more thought for her.

The smaller machines made a reasonable noise; their straps hummed over the drums, every now and then the brushes buzzed and fizzled, and the air churned steadily, whoo! whoo! whoo! between their poles. One was loose in its foundations and kept the shed vibrating.

It certainly paid its way and brought him a small sum each year, but to him it was a failure, a bombshell that had fizzled. He had intended to do big things with Peaceful Moments. He had meant to start a new epoch in the literature of Manhattan. "I gottan idea," he had said to Miss Scobell. "All this yellow journalism red blood and all that folks are tired of it. They want something milder.