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Updated: August 19, 2024

"So am I!" agreed Godfrey, "for it must have been this missing page which gave Miss Vaughan her first suspicion of the truth. Perhaps it was pure inspiration or perhaps she knew that Silva could reproduce finger-prints. We shall learn when we hear her story. In any event, it's a clever trick and easy enough when you know how!" "Like standing the egg on end," I suggested. "Precisely.

Every one of these finger-prints so far is from the same pair of hands." We scarcely ate any breakfast, and were soon on our way up to the hall. Craig had provided himself at the local stationer's with an inking-pad, such as is used for rubber stamps. At the hall he proceeded to get the impressions of the fingers and thumbs of all the servants.

He and Desmond followed the detective upstairs, whilst Mrs. Chugg resentfully resumed her seat by the fire. On her face was the look of one who has cast pearls before swine. "Any finger-prints?" asked the Chief in the hall. "Oh, no," he said, "Barney's far too old a hand for that sort o' thing!"

"Don't you see," he pointed out, "the one question which we have been unable to answer up to this moment has been this: how did Silva know you were going to meet Swain? He had to know it, and know it several hours before the meeting, in order to have those finger-prints ready. I concluded, at last, that there must be a blotting-book and there it is." Miss Vaughan stared at him.

When you told me of the handkerchief and then of the finger-prints, I knew that someone was plotting against him. And then, quite suddenly, I thought of something." "You jumped up," I said, "as though you were shot, and ran to the book-case over there and got down that album of finger-prints, and found that Swain's were missing. That seemed to upset you completely."

And not a trace of a clue to give one a notion of who did the confounded thing, or where they came from!" "Hmm. Any finger-prints?" Mr. Narkom shook his head. "None. The thief or thieves used rubber gloves to handle the thing. And that was the only leg given us to stand upon, so to speak.

"No," he said; "I'm positive I didn't touch him." "Then how did the marks get there?" "I don't know," said Swain helplessly. "Now, see here, Swain," said Godfrey, a little sternly, "there is only one way in which those finger-prints could have got on that garment, and that is from your fingers. If you didn't put them there consciously, you must have done so unconsciously.

If the owners of these "well-created things" value the joy and profit which they thus derive from his long and laborious years of devotion to their interests, let them see that these finger-prints of his be not obliterated by their neglect, but be perpetuated for ever, both for their own good and for an ever-living memorial to his name. It is a fact of instructive suggestion, that although Mr.

As he came to the third, he raised his head as if about to make a remark, when Kennedy quickly interrupted. "One moment, sir. You were about to say that finger-prints never change, never show such variations as these. That is true. There are fingerprints of people taken fifty years ago that are exactly the same as their finger-prints of to-day. They don't change they are permanent.

On hearing this, she did not trouble to clean her hands any more, but opened the letter at once, making floury finger-prints upon it. "There is one subject I did not mention to you yesterday; you might perhaps have thought it too serious for holiday consideration; nevertheless, it is a question that I feel I must ask before I leave Holland. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

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