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The place had been thoroughly searched from attic to cellar, for letters or for the jewels that, if Sir Ralph Fairfield were right, were missing. Much more there would be to do, but for the moment they could go no further. Foyle returned wearily to Scotland Yard to learn that of the finger-prints on the dagger two were too blurred to serve for purposes of identification.

"This specimen was of English parentage, was a professional burglar, a confirmed recidivist, and since he habitually carried firearms a potential homicide. He was nearly illiterate and occasionally but not chronically alcoholic. "Cranial capacity 1594 cc. Cephalic index 76.8. "For finger-prints see Album D 1, p. 1. Number 1."

You heard Swain remark that Vaughan was a collector of finger-prints?" "Yes." "And that he had a set of Swain's?" "Yes." "Well, when I told Miss Vaughan about the prints on her father's robe, she ran to a book-case and got out a book. It had Vaughan's collection in it, all bound together. But the page on which Swain's were had been torn out." Godfrey sat for a moment, staring at me spell-bound.

I found out through this little tube, the detectascope, that one really entered the room after that, and tried to wipe off any supposed finger-prints that might still remain. That settled it. The second will was a forgery, and the person who entered that room so stealthily this afternoon knows that it is a forgery."

The bank thieves had got clear away, it was true, but they had left those tell-tale finger-prints behind!

These things will tell you that He, the Spirit, has taken possession of what you surrendered, and that He is now at work within. These are His finger-prints. Then there will be the outflowing side of this filling. A passion that all men may know this compassionate God, will come as a fire burning in your bones. Its flames will envelop and go through everything you are and have and can do.

Lester told me that Fred was suspected because of those finger-prints, the thought flashed into my mind that if Señor Silva and Mahbub could imitate those of other people, they could imitate Fred's, too; and when I looked at the album and found that sheet torn out, I was sure that was what had happened."

No, my dear Ewart," he laughed, as we turned into the long tunnel, with its row of electric lights, "the public are not philosophers. They worship the golden calf, and that is for them all-sufficient. At the Old Bailey I should be termed a thief, and they have, I know, a set of my finger-prints at Scotland Yard.

Rowe, I am going to ask you a few questions on another subject. Have you given any attention to finger-prints made by bloody fingers?" "Yes. I have recently made some experiments on the subject." "Will you give us the results of those experiments?" "My object was to ascertain whether fingers wet with fresh blood would yield distinct and characteristic prints.

Manley had told him that the handle of the famous knife would probably provide him with an embarrassment of riches in the way of finger-prints. It seemed to him that the stories of William Roper, Mrs. Carruthers, and Mrs. Turnbull had provided him with an embarrassment of riches in the way of possible murderers.