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I have been a "pocket" miner a sort of gold mining not findable in any but one little spot in the world, so far as I know. I know how, with horn and water, to find the trail of a pocket and trace it step by step and stage by stage up the mountain to its source, and find the compact little nest of yellow metal reposing in its secret home under the ground.

We entered the "doldrums" last night variable winds, bursts of rain, intervals of calm, with chopping seas and a wobbly and drunken motion to the ship a condition of things findable in other regions sometimes, but present in the doldrums always. The globe-girdling belt called the doldrums is 20 degrees wide, and the thread called the equator lies along the middle of it. Sept. 4.

The girl seated, he went on: "Sir William spoke of you to me just as I was leaving New York, and instructed me, if you were findable, to send you to New York. I' faith, the general had more to say of your coming than he had of my teaching Mr. Washington a lesson. He told me to put you under charge of Lord Clowes without delay." "But he was captivated," announced Mr. Drinker.

Upon that one his flow of words was full and free, he was a geyser. The official astronomers disputed his facts and deeded his views, and said that he had invented both, they not being findable in any of the books. But many of the laity, who wanted their nebulosities fresh, admired his doctrine and adopted it, and it attained to great prosperity in spite of the hostility of the experts."

As a rule the cheap fun that excites the rustic to laughter is execrable to the man of education. In the light of what I have said before it follows that the individuals that are findable in every English or American audience are much the same. All those who lecture or act are well aware that there are certain types of people that are always to be seen somewhere in the hall.

Boomer and the Nigerian rubber tree and the shaded pictures and the charm of the whole place and the certainty that half a million dollars was easily findable in it, that he put his eyeglass back in his pocket and said. "A charming club you have here, really most charming." "Yes," said Mr. Fyshe, in a casual tone, "a comfortable place, we like to think."

Every portrait I ever had of her I burnt in the sincerity of what was to have been our final separation, and now I have nothing of her in my possession. I suppose that in the files of old illustrated weeklies somewhere, a score of portraits must be findable. Yet photographs have a queer quality of falsehood.

And on the few surviving steamboats those lingering ghosts and remembrancers of great fleets that plied the big river in the beginning of my water-career which is exactly as long ago as the whole invoice of the life-years of Shakespeare number there are still findable two or three river-pilots who saw me do creditable things in those ancient days; and several white-headed engineers; and several roustabouts and mates; and several deck-hands who used to heave the lead for me and send up on the still night air the "six feet scant!" that made me shudder, and the "M-a-r-k twain!" that took the shudder away, and presently the darling "By the d-e-e-p four!" that lifted me to heaven for joy.

We decided that somewhere we should find a suitable wooded nook where we could sequester ourselves for the night. We stumbled along until we could not see another inch in front of us for the dark and the thick fog; so made camp which meant spreading out two bags in what looked like as auspicious a spot as was findable.

We entered the "doldrums" last night variable winds, bursts of rain, intervals of calm, with chopping seas and a wobbly and drunken motion to the ship a condition of things findable in other regions sometimes, but present in the doldrums always. The globe-girdling belt called the doldrums is 20 degrees wide, and the thread called the equator lies along the middle of it. Sept. 4.