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Or am I a liar?" George hastened to reassure him. "That is exactly it. What's the answer?" "I'll tell yer wot you can do. There's the big ball tonight 'cos of its bein' 'Is Nibs' comin'-of-age tomorrow. All the county'll be 'ere." "You think I could slip in and be taken for a guest?" Albert snorted contempt. "No, I don't think nothin' of the kind, not bein' a fat-head." George apologized.

Presently Arthurs came back to help him along, and did not speak until they were clear of the campus and going down Ken's street. "I'm glad that's over," said Worry. "I kicked against havin' the game, but 'em fat-head directors would have it. Now we'll be let alone. There won't be no students comin' out to the field, and I'm blamed glad." Ken was sick and smarting with pain, and half crying.

"Mr. Arthurs, will you try me in the box?" "What's that, Peg?" queried the coach, sharply. "Will you give me a trial in the box? I've wanted one all along. You put me in once when we were in the cage, but you made me hit the batters." "Pitch? you, Peg? Why not? Why didn't I think of it? I'm sure gettin' to be like 'em fat-head directors. You've got steam, Peg, but can you curve a ball?

We're not to blame for rules made by fat-head directors. I was surprised at Dale. He was mean, and so were Hollis and Hickle all of 'em. They didn't need to disgrace us like that." "Oh, Mr. Arthurs, what players they are!" exclaimed Ken. "I never saw such running, such hitting. You said they'd hit to right field like bullets, but it was worse than bullets.

He had been holding his head in silence, but now he was muttering to himself and running his eyes over the car. "Young fat-head!" he grumbled. "Can't leave things alone!" "What's the matter, Austin?" "Lubricators left running, sir. Someone has been fooling with the car. I expect it's that young garden boy, sir." Lord John looked guilty.

They called von Buelow an old fat-head for his failure in Italy and complained that the whipped cream was not so good as before the war. There was some talk of high prices for food, and the women all said that they wanted their men back from the trenches. Early summer brought also a number of cranks to Berlin.

I'll conclude my remarks by stating that I regard you as a lovable fat-head devoid of sufficient mental energy to pound the proverbial sand into the proverbial rat-hole. Now, then, what do you want me to do to save the day?"

You start this gorl-durned racket like a pack o' weak-headed fools, yearnin' to pitch away what's been chucked right into your fool laps jest fer one o' Blue Grass Pete's fat-head notions. Well, wot's doin'? I ask." "You ke'p that ugly map o' yours closed," cried Pete hotly. "You ain't bein' robbed any." "Guess I'll see to that," retorted Beasley, with a grin.

And what made his condition of mind border on imbecility was a hurried whisper from Arthurs between innings: "Peg, don't pay the slightest attention to 'em fat-head grad. coaches." Practice days succeeding that were worse nightmares to Ken Ward than the days he had spent in constant fear of the sophomores.

"I said 'fat-head dick' dat's a fly cop," Billy elucidated. "It is he then that is the bird." Pesita beamed at this evidence of his own sagacity. "He fly." "Flannagan ain't no bird Flannagan's a dub." Bridge came to the rescue. "My erudite friend means," he explained, "that the police chased him out of the United States of America." Pesita raised his eyebrows. All was now clear to him.