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But Mr Pamphlett waved it aside. "Let the boy tell his story. . . . Well, boy, and what was your answer to the constable?" "I told him," said 'Bert stolidly, "to get along for a silly fat-head. Didn't I, now?" 'Bert appealed to the recipient of that compliment to confirm its textual accuracy. "He did so," corroborated Rat-it-all. "He is right to that extent.

Are you acquainted there?" he asked. Billy replied that they were not merely looking for employment upon an American-owned ranch or in an American mine. "Why did you leave your own country?" asked Pesita. "What do you want here in Mexico?" "Well, ol' top," replied Billy, "you see de birds was flyin' south an' winter was in de air, an a fat-head dick from Chi was on me trail so I ducks."

And every night at supper she rejoiced to find them all on the best of terms, calling each other "dearie," and "old chap," and "honey," and declaring that no such company had ever been gotten together in the history of the stage! Such words as "slob," "fat-head," "boob" or "you poor nut" never found their way outside the sacred precincts of the theatre. Mr.

That I comprehended in a trice; and my chagrin was nothing mended as I caught a sly glance from the merry and slightly malicious eyes of Boyd. "Her husband is a fussy fat-head and she's a basalisk," he whispered. "I thought she'd bite my head of when the ladies came on under my protection."

Marriage!" he croaked. "I know what it is. I married a fat-head and so did my wife. We've never known romance; never had anything but a quiet, well-ordered existence. I've dwelt in repression; never got out of life a single one of those thrills that comes of doing something daring and original and nasty.

I left you at the police office, in case I should require your services; and you see that I was right." "But suppose the police discover your real identity?" "Well?" "They'll arrest you." "Impossible!" "Why?" "They can't arrest me." "For what reason?" "You've said it yourself, fat-head: a first-class, tremendous, indisputable reason." "What do you mean?" "I'm dead!" Mazeroux seemed staggered.

Folks took alarm at the leastest matters; once my Lord Treasurer himself rode into London crying that the French army was already landed, when all that he had seen were some horses in the mist; once it was thought, from the noise of digging that some fat-head heard, that the Papists were mining to blow up Westminster.

Hoopdriver perceived clearly that he was in the way, and decided to retreat. It was just his luck of course that he should stumble at the head of the steps and vanish with indignity. This was the third time that he'd seen HIM, and the fourth time her. And of course he was too big a fat-head to raise his cap to HER! He thought of that at the foot of the Keep.

A mawkish tale, perhaps, and if I write it with too maudlin a slant I know who will wince the worst Queen Bess, of course, who will sit up in her grave and, fastening a blazing eye on me, curse me out for every variety of fat-head and imbecile known to her exhaustive calendar of epithets.

"Well," said Lew, "you can't blame a gent for playing for high stakes if he's going to gamble at all. I guess Red Perris is all right. A kid like him can't help being a little proud of himself." "Damn fat-head," growled Slim, less merciful, "sat right next to me and didn't say two words all through breakfast. Ain't going to waste no words on common cowpunchers, maybe."