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At that instant there was a terrific knocking at the door which opened directly into the parlor in which the waiting women were standing, and the farm-wife jumped and staggered back, and, finally, collapsed into an adjacent chair. "Sakes on us," she cried, her fat face turning a sort of pea-green, "if only my pore George D. " But Joan's patience could stand no more.

As I was returning from a lecturing tour in the south during this time, an old Scotch farm-wife came into the carriage where I had been knitting in solitude. She was a woman of strong feelings, and was bitterly opposed to the war. We chatted on the subject for a time, getting along famously, until she discovered that I was Miss Spence. "But you are a Unitarian!" she protested in a shocked tone.

The spring brought another change to the farm, a change which was as welcome to the old farm-wife as the opening of the spring itself. Hervey returned from Niagara, bringing with him the story of the failure of his mission.

"If you'll show me the lady's room I'll carry her right into it an' set her on her bed, an' " "Mercy alive, what's the world a-comin' to!" cried the indignant farm-wife. "Me let the likes o' you into the gal's bedroom! You? Guess you need seein' to by the State, as the sayin' is. I never heard the like of it. Never. An' she jest a slip of a young gal, too, an' all."

A tramping vacation of several days furnishes a fine opportunity to see new scenes and to live economically, but near a city you may have difficulty in persuading the farm-wife where you stop that you are not a tramp who will burn the house in the night.

She was sitting in an old, much-repaired rocking-chair, in what was obviously the farm's "best" bedroom. Her trunks, faithfully recovered from the wreck of the cart by the only too willing Buck, stood open on the floor amidst a chaotic setting of their contents, while the old farm-wife herself stood over them, much in the attitude of a faithful and determined watch-dog.

Before us were two miles of what was described as the roughest sort of hill road, and the afternoon sun was powerful; so W accepted the invitation of a rustic fisherman to rest with his "women folks" in a little cabin up the hill a bit. Seeing her safely housed with the good-natured "cracker" farm-wife, the Doctor, the Boy, and I trudged off toward Big Bone Lick.

Sarah's pretty 'cute, and she declares that he's got gaming writ in his lines. Maybe it's so. I'll not dispute. He won't have no excuse for leaving now." And she sighed heavily and took up the vegetables from the stove. Alice returned, and the sound of wheels outside told the farm-wife that the buckboard was ready for the men's dinner.

Wayland was growling; he had to be held by the collar. He spied an objectionable animal. A jerky monkey was attached to the organ; and his coat was red, his kepi was blue; his tailor had rigged him as a military gentleman. Jane called to the farm-wife. Philip assured her he was not annoyed.

"The child's right, Hephzibah; there's money to be spent over this thing, or I'm no judge of human nature. Hervey's got a strong case, and, from what the story tells us, George is a doomed man if he goes before the court. Innocent he may be innocent he is, I'll wager; but if he's obstinate he's done for." The farm-wife made no reply, but sat gazing wistfully before her.