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The situation, as Lefever facetiously remarked, remained about where it was before he spoke, and nothing daunted, he asked de Spain what he would drink. De Spain sidestepped again by asking for a cigar. Lefever, professing he would not drink alone, called for cigarettes.

"Golly, it must be a weddin'," he remarked, facetiously. "Who's gettin' hitched? You, Miss Weir?" "Hold your tongue!" she commanded, and the abashed young man collapsed into his box. By this time Hannah had arrived, and was being helped aboard. The wraps, the pies, the bottle of milk, the crock of butter, the basket of provisions, and her husband, were bundled after her.

They were awfully jolly people; they came to luncheon in my chambers at the Albany afterwards, and we grew to be great friends." "I dare say she was an English girl masquerading," I remarked facetiously. "What made you think her an American?" "Oh, her general appearance and accent, I suppose."

Gayly they fared along for a time, Tank frequently refreshing himself from a "tickler," facetiously so-called, which he carried in his pocket. Occasionally he generously offered the baby the stopper to suck, and as the child smacked his lips with evident relish Tank roared out again in his fine and flexible tenor: "For my bigges' bottle war my bes' friend, an' my week's work war all at an end!"

He could deal with those millions virtuously, and withal with ability, too but of course you would rather he had a salaried position?" "Oh, no," said the gentleman, facetiously, "we are very humble, very humble in our desires; we want no money; we labor solely, for our country and require no reward but the luxury of an applauding conscience.

"This is Tims Halvor Halvorsson," said Ingmar, introducing the newcomer to Berger Sven Persson. Sven Persson did not rise, but greeted Halvor with a sweep of the hand, saying, somewhat facetiously: "It is a pleasure to meet so distinguished a personage." Ingmar noisily drew up a chair for Halvor, so that he was spared the embarrassment of replying.

"By this time we were arrived as high as the stairs would permit us to ascend, till we came to what he was facetiously pleased to call the first floor down the chimney; and, knocking at the door, a voice from within demanded 'Who's there? My conductor answered that it was him.

Ridgett smiled, and opened conversation in a very pleasant easy fashion. "From the look of things," he said facetiously, "I hazard the guess that you two aren't long home from the honeymoon." "You're off the line there," said Dale. "We're quite an old Darby and Joan." "Really!" And Mr. Ridgett's smile, as he regarded Mrs. Dale, expressed admiration and surprise. "Appearances are deceitful.

The Captain, a little facetiously, took up the menu and, drawing a tiny note-book and pencil from his pocket, proceeded to copy it in French, soliciting Madame X.'s aid en passant. A curious fact occurred to me as I sat there looking down both sides of the table, how much alike they were it seems as if they must even think the same thoughts to resemble each other so much.

Lowell says, facetiously, that "They are peripatetic picnic parties, faintly flavored with piety; just a sufficient suspicion of it to render them acceptable to the easy-going gods." Beneath this light alliterative style, which delights the literary reader, do we find the truth? To me it seems like a slur on the pilgrims, evidently due to Mr.