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Seabrook upon some important point, she had exclaimed, with a longdrawn sigh: "Oh! how I wish I could be in it, too." "I wish you could, dear," said Katherine, bending to kiss the wistful face. "Well why can't she?" she added, turning suddenly to Mrs. Seabrook; "she could have a place in the Carnival of Flowers. Will you allow her to?" Mrs.

As they said good-bye and left me I wanted to run after them and ask them to take me home, back to the simple life of my people. But I stayed where I was, the earthiest worldling in a dress of unworldliness. "I I believe I'll take it off," I thought as I stood in the doorway. Just then Royal opened the door and saw me. "Ye Gods!" he exclaimed, "you look like a saint, Phœbe." "But I'm not!

When Aunt Judy paused here, as if expecting some remark, all that No. 6 could say, was: "Poor little things!" "Ay, they were still that," exclaimed Aunt Judy, "even in the midst of their new-found comfort.

She has one on the carpet at present, and I verily believe she will pull it off!" exclaimed Tom, very much interested in his subject. "Yes, that girl of mine is worth more to me than any gold-mine or other treasure in the world." "Oh, really!

"I'm sure I hit he!" exclaimed David running in the direction the caribou had taken. "I couldn't miss he so close, and a fair shot!" "You hit he!" exclaimed Andy who had dashed ahead. "You hit he, Davy! Here's the mark of blood!" A trail of blood left no doubt that the caribou had been hard hit, but it was followed for nearly a mile before they came upon the prostrate animal.

Without noticing the interruption, Servadac continued his own remarks, "The comet then, I see, is to reach its aphelion on the 15th of January, exactly a twelvemonth after passing its perihelion." "A twelvemonth! Not a Gallian twelvemonth?" exclaimed Rosette. Servadac looked bewildered. Lieutenant Procope could not suppress a smile.

And the tears rolled down the woman's pale face. "I'm so sorry for you!" he exclaimed, brushing the tears away with his handkerchief. "So sorry. Where is father?" "Up in the bedroom in the wing of the house." "I can see him, can't I?" "Oh, yes."

"It ill becomes such beauty to kneel before me," said he, softly. "Let me kneel, let me kneel!" exclaimed she, while her beautiful eyes suffused with tears. "Here, at your feet, let me implore your protection for Poland! Have mercy, sire, upon the Confederates, whose only crime is their resistance to foreign oppression.

'Impudent scoundrel! he exclaimed after a while. 'To dare to cross-examine me about Sunday schools in the diocese, and Sunday travelling too: I never in my life met his equal for sheer impudence. Why, he must have thought we were two candidates for ordination. 'I declare I thought Mrs Proudie the worst of the two, said Mr Harding.

It availed nothing that all his peers exclaimed and expressed their consternation at the fact that tribunes dared to pass such sentences upon their order. So on being expelled he betook himself, raging at his treatment, to the Volsci, though they had been his bitterest foes.