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Does any body know him? He is a devilish keen-lookin' fellow that; what an eye he has! He looks like a Yankee, that fellow." "He's been here, your honour, several days, examines every thing and says nothing; looks like a knowing one, your honour. He handles a hoss as if he'd seen one afore to-day, Sir." "Who is that gentleman with him?"

And the error is the less excusable, as it must become apparent to every one who examines a section of the skull of any ape above a Lemur, without taking the trouble to make a cast of it.

The methods of science are everywhere alike. Has the naturalist to explain an organism, he begins with its elements or proximate principles as obtained by analysis; he thence passes to the tissues and fluids which compose its members; these he considers first in a state of repose, their structure and their connections; then he examines their functions, the laws of their growth and action; and finally he has recourse to the doctrine of relations, la théorie des milieux, to define the conditions of its existence.

Dagger in hand, Paul examines this obstruction, looking thence toward either bank. He resumes the oars, again pausing at thick overhanging bushes. Peering under, around, and through the foliage, Paul rubs the glistening blade on upturned shoe-sole. Sheathing his weapon, he slowly moves toward the point whence the two bodies had disappeared into swollen stream.

The surgeon examines all those reporting and indicates their status on the sick report. The noncommissioned officer then returns to the company with all the men not marked "Hospital" and hands the sick report to the first sergeant. At "Drill call" the company prepares for drill and falls in so that it will be completely formed at assembly, which is usually sounded 10 minutes after drill call.

In a short time your confessor will understand the state of your soul, as the physician who frequently examines you does the state of your body. He will know all the temptations, trials, and difficulties with which you have to contend.

The creators of future religions are likely to draw much water from these wells, but Christian Science can lay claim to be the first to have made use of the mysticism of the past in a practical fashion, so that its adherents rejoice in the prospect of endless life, even as did the visionaries of former ages. When one examines the doctrine closely, its lack of originality becomes apparent.

A medical man attached to the college attends on the gymnastic ground to observe the efforts each boy is obliged to make in performing his exercises. When the exercises are ended, the doctor examines the boy's pulse, and, with the aid of an instrument invented for the purpose, tests the heat of his brain.

And she said, in a sweet, noble voice: "It's I that want Dr. Veiga's opinion about you, and I must insist on having it. And what's more, you know I've never cared for your friend Dr. Plott. He never seems to be interested. He scarcely listens to what you have to say. He scarcely examines you.

'Why did you not produce it before? 'Aw, he be last year's un; some of it be two years ago, is the reply. Another long pause. The Judge silently examines every page of the account-book two years old. Suddenly he looks up. 'This receipt, he says, 'was given for an account rendered eighteen months ago. Here in this older book are the entries corresponding with it.