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As he drew closer, she observed negligently that he was of early middle age, ragged, and of course dirty. Age and lack of soap had so dyed his serape that the original color was quite gone. He bowed to her with the native courtesy that belongs to even the peons of his race. A swift patter of Spanish fell from his lips. Miss Ellington shook her head. "No sabe Español."

The small boy curses his neighbor by calling him 'un Espanol, and treats you with disdain if you suggest that he is simply a poor Porto Rican. 'No, no, he says, pointing at himself.

Two days later was the time appointed for the delivery of the arms to the General. The boxes of supposed rifles were stacked in the rented warehouse, and the Secretary of War sat upon them, waiting for his friend Kelley to fetch the victim. Mr. Kelley hurried, at the hour, to the Hotel Espanol. He found the General behind the desk adding up accounts.

Caramba! senor, there is a loudness and rapidness of going and coming in the city of this Nueva York." Mr. Kelley's politeness would not suffer the distinguished Colombian to brave the dangers of the return unaccompanied. At the door of the Hotel Espanol they paused. A little lower down on the opposite side of the street shone the modest illuminated sign of El Refugio. Mr.

The aristocratic club is the Union, but the popular one is the Casino Espanol, whose club house is a marvel of tropical elegance and beauty. Nearly all these attractions are on or near the broad, shady and imposing thoroughfare, the Prado a succession of parks leading from the water opposite Morro Castle almost across the city.

"Con una Dama tenia Un galan conversacion."* MORATIN: /El Teatro Espanol/. Num. 15. * With a dame he held a gallant conversation. MALTRAVERS was first at the appointed place.

Some of them are prepared from native fruit flavors that are quite unknown here. The guanabana ice is particularly to be recommended. All such matters are quite individual, but a decoction called chocolate Espanol is also to be recommended. It is served hot, too thick to drink, and is to be taken with a spoon, to the accompaniment of cake. It is highly nourishing as well as palatable.

In the window was a card in Spanish, "Aqui se habla Espanol." The General entered, sure of a congenial port. In the cozy office was Mrs. O'Brien, the proprietress. She had blond oh, unimpeachably blond hair. For the rest she was amiability, and ran largely to inches around. Gen.

"Con una Dama tenia Un galan conversacion."* MORATIN: El Teatro Espanol. Num. 15. * With a dame he held a gallant conversation. MALTRAVERS was first at the appointed place.

In the introduction to the first volume, the Director tells us that, with the help of the editor of El Folklore Andaluz and his friends, D. Alejandro Guichot y Sierra and D. Luis Montolo y Raustentrauch, he has undertaken this great work, which arose out of the Bases del Folklore Español, published in 1881, and the two societies established in 1882, the Folklore Andaluz and Folklore Extremeño.