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"Be my sowl! it ates purty well, black as it is," said Chane, looking ruefully into the empty vessel. "It's got a worse complaint than the colour, didn't yez fetch us a thrifle more of it, my darlint boy?" he added, squinting up at Jose. "No in tin days!" cried Chane, mistaking the "no entiende" for a phrase of broken English, to which, indeed, its pronunciation somewhat assimilates it.

DON EDUARDO. Ya te dije que el apoderado de mi tío, que es escribano del consejo, me ha ofrecido emplearme en su despacho como copiante ... cuando tenga que copiar, se entiende ... y voy a ver si me adelanta cien reales, a cuenta de mis futuros garabatos, para pagar el casero y para ir viviendo. DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¿qué me he de hacer yo entretanto, sin libros, sin piano...?

"Hyar, yer darned greaser! Set out yer vino in a squ'll's jump! Now, my little un', hyar's luck, and a good husband!" "Gracias, Senor Americano!" "What! you understand that? You intende, do yer?" "Si, senor!" "Hooraw, then! Look hyar, little 'un, kin yer go the b'ar dance?" "No entiende." "Yer don't understan' it!

"No entiende," said the woman, smiling good-naturedly at Chane's comical gestures. "Och, the plague! there's that tin days agin. Talk to her, Raowl. Tell her what I mane." Raoul translated his comrade's wishes.

Raoul followed suit, and the bottle came back to the Irishman. "Your hilth, darlint!" said he, nodding to the Mexican woman. "May yez live till I wish ye dead!" The woman smiled, and repeated, "No entiende." "Och! nivir mind the tin days we won't quarrel about that.

"He says he don't understand you." "Thin spake to him yerself, Raowl. Till him we want more banes, and a few more ov thim pancakes, if he plazes." Raoul translated the Irishman's request. "No I is that phwhat ye say, my darlint? Well, iv yez won't go yerself, sind somebody else; it's all the same thing, so yez bring us the ateables." "No entiende" said the man, with the same shake of the head.

"Och! git out wid you! Bad luck to yer picther! In tin days it's Murtagh Chane that'll ayther be takin' his tay in purgathory or atin' betther than black banes in some other part of the world." "No entiende," repeated the Mexican as before. "Tin days, indade! Sure we'd be did wid hunger in half the time. We want the banes now." "Que quiere?" "Phwhat's that he sez, Raowl?" inquired Chane sharply.