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"Of my dinner guests he lives furthest away and so he always comes in first to any festivity." "How far beyond Vediamnum does he live?" Tanno enquired. "On the other side of the Vedian lands," I explained. "His property is over the divide towards the Tolenus, in between Villa Vedia and Villa Aemilia." Entedius it was, as I made sure, when he drew nearer, by his magnificent black mare.

But to anybody not a Sabine it is amazing to see a lover postponing prayers to Lord Cupid until he has finished the last detail of his ceremonial duties to Chief Cash, Greatest and Best." Just then Tanno caught sight of a horseman approaching up the valley. I looked where he pointed. "That will be Entedius Hirnio," I said.

"Three of them," I explained, "are on the Vedian side, three on the Satronian side, though they are always polite to each other. But it is a frigid politeness and I was anticipating the dinner tonight as a frightful trial. I fancy your presence will ensure its passing off comfortably. Entedius Hirnio will be here, too.

Hedulio sauntered away and to my tree, beckoned me down and we strolled away as if there were no bear near: she in fact paying no attention to either of us after the cubs began nursing her." Tanno looked wildly about. "Boys," he said, "forgive me if I am dazed, and don't be insulted. I recall that Entedius prefaced his narrative with an oath to its veracity.

"Go on," said Hirnio, "I'd rather listen to you than talk myself." Agathemer resumed. "We were at Reate Fair. You know how such festivals are always attended by horse-dealers and all sorts of such cheats and mountebanks. There was a plausible and ingratiating horse-dealer with some good horses. Entedius bought one and has it yet."

"Horse-training is, at least, and always, an activity fit for a gentleman and wholly decent and respectable." "It happened last year," said Agathemer, "in the autumn, before Andivius died; in fact, before we had any reason to dread that the end of his life was near. Entedius saw it, perhaps he would be a more suitable narrator than I."

Here, Agathemer, get off that boy's stool and lie down between me and Entedius." "Go slow, Caius!" I admonished him.

As soon as the stable-boys had led off their horses we started bathwards, delayed a moment by the arrival of a slave of Entedius, on a mule, leading another heavily laden with two packs. We made a quick bath, with no loitering, and at once went in to dinner. My uncle had been to the last degree conservative and old-fashioned. He would have nothing to do with any new inventions, save his own.

When I had introduced them they looked each other up and down appraisingly, Entedius appearing to relish Tanno's swarthy vigor, warm coloring and exuberant health as much as did Tanno his hard-muscled leanness and weather-beaten complexion. "Are you any relation to Entedia Jucunda?" Tanno queried.

Yet I come to Sabinum for the first time and hear wonders such as I never dreamed of at Rome." "And you are only at the beginning of such wonders," spoke up Entedius Hirnio. "That tale of Muso's is mild to one I can tell and I take oath in advance to every word of my story." "Begin it then, in the name of Hercules," Tanno urged him. "If it is what you herald we cannot have it too quickly."