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Furthermore it will not be very long before you find a market for your work and then you will be independent of State aid." In truth, now that he was hopelessly enmeshed in his own net, Don experienced dire misgivings, wondering what Flamby would say, wondering what Flamby would do, when she learned of the conspiracy as she could not fail to learn of it sooner or later.

I own that it was a rash and headstrong act, for even beyond the lake how could we ever hope to penetrate those interminable inhospitable forests, so far from any hiding-place. Yet I felt it my duty to attempt the rescue. And besides, had not her marvelous beauty enmeshed me; had I not felt by some unaccountable intuition at the first moment we had met that our lives were linked in the future?

She was not only repentant, but was making restitution, for her mistake, and in making that restitution had crossed far beyond the dead-line of caution. She had frankly told him who she was; she had brought him into the privacy of what was undeniably her own home; in her desire to undo what she had done she had hopelessly enmeshed herself in the net of the Law if that Law saw fit to act.

By what means it was accomplished that Rupert Gunning should attend the first rehearsal he did not exactly understand; he found himself enmeshed in a promise to meet every one else at the Town Hall with tea at the Carterets' afterwards.

In a few minutes he was back, holding three small flat disks enmeshed in a spray of fine wires for them to see. "I've just removed the communication disks from our space suits. Strap them in position on your right shoulder blade, hook the wires so and you can talk to me or to each other over distances of one hundred miles. Underneath your clothing they cannot be seen.

'Robin, you can leave us, said his master, at whose mild tones Robin started and disappeared, with his eyes fixed on his patron to the last. 'You don't remember that boy, of course? he added, when the enmeshed Grinder was gone. 'No, said Mr Dombey, with magnificent indifference. 'Not likely that a man like you would. Hardly possible, murmured Carker.

Still, with all my inner heat, I could look as it were in a mirror and understand her unhappiness and vexation. She was trying to act towards me with a man's fairness and detachment, but each move that I made showed that I considered her solely as a woman and therefore an encumbrance. Let her act with whatever bravery and wisdom she might, her sex still enmeshed us like a silken trap.

"No; on the contrary, he repeatedly referred to you as his child, and your mother also displayed toward you an affection which would have been at least unusual if you had not been her own child." "Then you think, sir " Hector began. "I think that your uncle's story is a mere fabrication. He has contrived a snare in which you have allowed yourself to be enmeshed." "I am only a boy, sir.

I know how the waves of the pain come up and recede; how a little sleep just brushes the spirit, but never absorbs it; how the arms will struggle up to the air, only to be covered and enmeshed again in heat and blankets. "Was it in me lung?" "The shrapnel?" He nods. I hold up the piece of metal which has lain buried in him these past three weeks. It has the number 20 engraved on it.

It is not mere activity that makes the difference. The danger of mere activity is that it tends to make men complacent, to lead them to think that they are following the paths of virtue, when they are only enmeshed in conventionality.