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During this agitated interval, Endymion and Myra had met more than once through the providential medium of those favoured spots of nature German baths. There had arisen a public feeling, that the ally who had served us so well should be invited to visit again a country wherein he had so long sojourned, and where he was so much appreciated.

Bertie Tremaine seconded the amendment of Waldershare, and took the occasion of expounding the new philosophy, which seemed to combine the principles of Bentham with the practice of Lord Liverpool. "I offered to you this," he said reproachfully to Endymion; "you might have been my secretary of state. Mr. Tremaine Bertie will now take it.

During another period of enforced leisure he wrote "Endymion," in which there are some slight autobiographical features. Succeeded by Mr. Gladstone as prime minister, a half-dozen years later Disraeli was again at the helm. The Eastern question was then one of passionate interest; and when Russia was dictating terms of peace with the Ottoman, Mr.

It was on Latmos, not Ida, that Endymion shepherded his flocks; but that is of no moment, except to schoolmasters.

Waldershare, who was entirely devoted to her, and whose main object in life was to make everything contribute to her greatness. "I hope he will come here next week," she said to Endymion. "I heard from him to-day. He is at Venice. And he gives me such lovely descriptions of that city, that I shall never rest till I have seen it and glided in a gondola." "Well, that you can easily do."

After a time she began to recur to the past, and to sigh; but instantly Myra interfered with "You know, mamma, you are to dine downstairs to-day, and you will hardly have time to dress;" and she motioned to Endymion to retire. Mrs. Ferrars kept the dinner waiting a long time, and, when she entered the room, it was evident that she was painfully excited. She had a cap on, and had used some rouge.

"There is only one thing that can cure this country, and it will soon be too late for that. We must have free exchange." "Free exchange!" murmured Endymion thoughtfully. "Why, look at this," said Thornberry. "I had been driving a capital trade with the States for nearly five years. I began with nothing, as you know.

Her historic achievement, however, was beating off the British frigate "Endymion," off Nantucket, one dark night, after a battle concerning which a British naval historian, none too friendly to Americans, wrote: "So determined and effective a resistance did great credit to the American captain and his crew."

Other spots again seem to abide their destiny, suggestive and impenetrable, "miching mallecho." The inn at Burford Bridge, with its arbours and green garden and silent, eddying river though it is known already as the place where Keats wrote some of his "Endymion" and Nelson parted from his Emma still seems to wait the coming of the appropriate legend.

He listened, standing motionless, his eyes lifted towards the dark boughs above him, from whence the golden notes dropped liquidly; and his heart beat quickly as he thought of a voice sweeter than that of any heavenly-gifted bird, a face fairer than that of the fabled goddess who on such a night as this descended from her silver moon-car to enchant Endymion; and he murmured half aloud