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You know how that is yourself." "I know all about it now," she said calmly. "I knew he would not come back I saw it in his face. It was all because of that miserable railroad trouble that he went away that he didn't ever come. It was all my own fault my fault, but I didn't mean it I didn't " Curly, for the first time in his life, found himself engaged in an important emotional situation.

Her enquiries, he noticed, did not extend from the particular to the general: her curiosity, as yet, was too purely personal and emotional to lead to any larger consideration of the question.

Perhaps the chief thing to be said of their intercourse was that it was to each a mental stimulant as well as an emotional delight. Eugenia's quick, untutored mind, which had run to seed like an uncultivated garden, blossomed from contact with his practical, unpolished intellect. He taught her logic and a little law; she taught him poetry and passion.

They make the "spirit" the immortal part of man, the "soul" being its emotional embodiment, its "spiritual body," whose unsatisfied desires cause its birth and re-birth into the fleshly form of the physical "body," a very brief and temporary incarnation. Buddhism, however, viewed in any aspect, must be regarded as a gloomy religion.

This is daily confirmed by observation. The child is vastly more emotional than the man, the savage than his civilized neighbor. Castren, the Russian traveller, describes the Tartars and Lapps as a most nervous folk. When one shocks them with a sudden noise, they almost fall into convulsions.

Of love-dreams I had absolutely none, partly, I expect, from the absence of fiery novels from my reading, partly because my whole dream-tendencies were absorbed by religion, and all my fancies ran towards a "religious life". I longed to spend my time in worshipping Jesus, and was, as far as my inner life was concerned, absorbed in that passionate love of "the Savior" which, among emotional Catholics, really is the human passion of love transferred to an ideal for women to Jesus, for men to the Virgin Mary.

It was no time to give way to emotional outbursts, and while Bob was getting his grip on himself, I went on: "Come along down to earth now, Bob; let us look at this thing squarely. You and I, with our position in the market, can do lots of things to help run that sixty thousand to higher figures, but six months is a short time and a million or two a world of money."

The hysteric or psychasthenic autosuggestion resists the mere will of breaking it off. Here, therefore, is the classical ground for strong mental counterinfluences, that is, for psychotherapeutic treatment. Experience shows that the strongest chance for the development of such autosuggestive beliefs exists wherever an emotional disposition is favorable to the arriving belief.

"Oh," said the young lady in a glow, "that is like saying that you would a little rather a woman would not be truthful!" "I hope not," said the physician. The friend who told me the anecdote added that of the two young ladies who were at the time members of the physician's family, there was no question that he greatly preferred the one who was most reasonable and least emotional!

I should go about covered with a number of electric love-wires for the force to play upon. Fussle. I think this matter wants clearing up, Mr Germsell. Why don't you write a book on mental and emotional physics? Mr Rollestone. I would venture with great diffidence to remark that the confusion seems to me to arise from the limit we attach to the meaning of the word employed.